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Just joined today. I was browsing for new anime sources and ran across this site. Seems like a nice forum. I look forward to future reading and discussions.

Things about myself:

Currently in college for Management of Information systems.

I avidly enjoy final fantasy series. I own all of the ones on the major consoles, despite the lack of strategy in 13 it seemed. I don't consider pushing X a strategy.

I watch alot of anime for the unique humor and storylines I don't see in US television normally.

I like to build custom PC's and do a lot of gaming on the side.

I also enjoy going fishing, hunting, water sports, and getting trashed with friends once in a while.

In the future I want to go sky diving seems like it'd be a fun experience.

PS I'm 23 not 25 I just enter random stuff when filling those things out. Just like my username indicates :) plus this one is never taken XD such a pain to pick a real one. the good ones are always taken.

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Welcome to Kametsu forums, home of Anime downloads and discussions. Hope you find what you are looking for and decide to stick around and be an active member of the community for a long time to come. Enjoy your stay, and be sure to always have fun! ^_^

If you download any anime, please be sure to post a thank you in the thread to the uploader. It not only shows your appreciation for their hard work but also shows that people are actually downloading their uploads.

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