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 To follow the guidline, here are some Q's & A's:

  • How did you find Kametsu?
    • thx to deanzel's Psycho-Pass torrent description, need some DDL's

  • What do you think of the place so far?
    • Probably a good place to get what I'm looking for

  • How active are you planning on being?
    • Occasionaly? Mostly to get some BD releases I guess...

  • What are your top five anime?
    • Undecided, and most probably I'll never decide (Indecisiveness is strong with this one)

  • Top five video games?
    • Um... PAYDAY 2?
    • Neptunia's?
    • Can't decide on more...

  • What other hobbies do you have?
    • Fooling around
    • Sleeping
    • Drinking?
    • Dunno

  • Make any graphics?
    • Nope

  • Do you have any questions for us?​
    • Am I a bad person?

Well... that about covers who I am... nice to meet the rest of the world! :D

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