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Hiya! I'm Lizzie. I just started... Well, today, and this seems like a pretty cool community.

Although I do have some questions, since I used to visit English-dub-kingdom a few years ago.


Where did all the Naruto/Naruto Shippuden episodes go? It seems like only the movies are available, which is a shame because I've been trying to get back into making videos after a long hiatus from YouTube (although I can't use that site anymore due to "copyright infringement").


So, yeah. I guess that's all I can say...

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Welcome to the forum, Lizzie!


I don't know much about EDK, but I do know the downloads here were ravaged when Megaupload went down. A cursory glance at the index here brings up several options for Naruto and Shippuden, and I imagine the XDCC bots would be able to provide as well. I'm sure someone else will be able to fill in the blanks, since I don't make much use of the downloads here, haha.


Anyway, enjoy your stay and let us know if you have any other questions! Hope to see you around~

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