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The Pain Olympics appears to be something I don't even want to describe, haha. Google it at your own risk! (don't do it)


Gore (and vore for that matter) is really hard for me to handle. I'm pretty squeamish. I'll watch scary movies, but I'll have my eyes covered 90% of the time. I guess that's more listening to horror movies than watching, but. It's a little easier for me to read stuff like that, but after a few minutes I start getting dizzy. I marathon-read Uzumaki and that was a mistake.



I just met you but i'll trust your judgment on that one. x__x


Same for me, really cannot comprehend the appeal of both of those. I'm pretty squeamish too so I avoid overt gory stuff whenever I can. My mind remembers too much detail too so if I see something bad, I won't forget it anytime soon. I can't really watch scary movies but I can play horror games no problem. 

Yeah, I stay away from manga that I know is gory as crap, some of those images are just...no thank you. 

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I'm a pretty curious person so I'll look up anything, at least on the Internet. I'm like that person in horror movies who just has to investigate that weird noise and then they get a knife to the face. I am the idiot. It's me.


Aah, horror survival games are worse for me than movies, haha. I couldn't get past the first ten minutes of Amnesia. u-u I like creepy games like OFF and the Witch's House that are more puzzle based, but I'm sensitive to jump scares, so I have to do a lot of research before playing a game. 2spooky


Uzumaki isn't really gory, but it's like... Junji Ito's work worms into your brain and messes with you on a primal level, I swear. The worst part of that manga for me was...


... when they ate the snail-people. And then when they literally ate a snail person alive?? The dude literally crawled inside of the shell to eat him??????? OMFG


There were a lot of other creepy moments, but remembering that just makes my skin crawl.

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I'm similar in that I sometimes get a little too curious about something that I know will affect me badly, usually a horror game/movie/image and i'm like, what is that? O__o

and then, BAM, brain takes a photo that I cannot, for the life of me, erase. =/


Never played Amnesia but i've played plenty of other horror games, all the resident evils and the dead space series come to mind as the more recent ones. If it's jump scares that bother you then Dead Space is most certainly not the series for you, besides the atmosphere, almost all of the scares in that game are jump scares. Playing Dead Space 2 on hardcore still remains the most frightening thing i've ever played. 


I hate that kind of stuff, the crap that just stays with you on such a level that you continue to feel bothered long afterwards. 


Either way, I think i'll stay away from that. 


Also, is this okay to be talking about random stuff here? I know it's a little late to be asking but, just wondering. o__o?

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One of my exes played Dead Space--it looks pretty spooky, haha. Resident Evil isn't too bad, but I've been desensitised to it by my brother. My husband plays it sometimes too, except these days it's all about Halo for him.

I don't condone treating the forum like a chat room (extended rapid fire one liners), but having discussions is fine, haha. Being on topic isn't really enforced outside of, like, the Mako Reactor and advice threads, where it's less appropriate to shoot the breeze. If things get too cray-cray, I'll close things down, but that doesn't happen a lot here.

I generally try to strike up conversation with all the new people--that most of them don't bite isn't because of the rules preventing them, but probably because of how lame I am, haha.

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ye mang, what EO said.  Although there's always the random chat thread if you think you're bending the rules too much js.

personally, i love gore u wu   it shows up in my writing quite a lot, which i've posted here.  also!! i haven't played many survivor horror games but i loved RE4 like, it was the best for stress relief it was great.


so PhoenixLogan, do you make sigs or write? 

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Spooky? A bit, but that series just loves making you feel calm and then spawning enemies directly behind you without so much as a peep. That and vents....so.many. exploding vents.

Resident Evil nowadays isn't scary at all, it's become rather tame compared to the days when you read diary entries that had people calling skin, itchy tasty. :x

Ah, Halo, fun but I avoid multiplayer like the plague.

Ah, then I shall keep that in mind. What exactly do you define as crazy though?

Lame? I don't think so but yeah, i'd expect they also may not bite because you're an admin, is one not supposed to treat admins with respect? At least that's how it's been on the sites i've been on.

ye mang, what EO said. Although there's always the random chat thread if you think you're bending the rules too much js.

personally, i love gore u wu it shows up in my writing quite a lot, which i've posted here. also!! i haven't played many survivor horror games but i loved RE4 like, it was the best for stress relief it was great.

so PhoenixLogan, do you make sigs or write?

Maybe I should check that thread as it's always easier for me to use that than IRC chats, i'm too shy to speak up on those.

I can accept certain levels of gore, mainly in video games though, once we head into movie territory, my stomach tends to become disagreeable with what I am seeing.

RE4 was indeed great. Ha, stress relief, I will say that I play horror games when i'm stressed, especially Dead Space, the stomp is a nice move to use when i'm pissed. :3

Sorry, my writing ability is how you say, crap?

The only sigs i've ever used were quotes from either famous people, comedians, or just ones that just sounded too cool for me to pass up.

...and this looks like a double post that I can't seem to delete...i'm boned. >__>;

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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I'm of the mind that intro threads are about the new person--there was an intro thread a little while ago that hit four pages, but it was a lot of back and forth one-liners between users who were most certainly not the OP. I don't want to give people any ideas, but suffice it to say, if you think it'll get you in trouble, you might want to run it by one of the staff in PM, haha.

Like I said though, things are pretty laid back and I generally don't like to step in unless things start toeing the line or someone says something to me about the situation.

And I'm just a person hanging out on a forum, haha. I'm not some dictator who smites infidels. I think you can be sociable and still be treated with respect, it just requires knowing where to draw the line. Like if you talk to me on the forum, I'll probs be more formal, but hit me up on Facebook or Skype and I'm basically just another random fangirl. uwu

When I was younger I could stomach scary stuff better, but I seem to be getting more fearful as I age instead of the anticipated reverse. Between my poor FPS skills and fear, I'm probably the last person anyone wants to play a horror survival with. (Or maybe the first for the lulz, just don't stand near me or I might flail-punch you on accident.)

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Oh, cool, my post wasn't stricken from the earth...just edited, so I wasn't boned after all. :D

Gotcha, but if I think it'll get me in trouble, I just won't do anything in the first place. 


Ah, I can understand that. 

I'll be a lot more formal here than pretty much anywhere else as well, and probably more quiet. 

Aren't fangirls....a little eccentric? o__o;


It was worse for me as a kid, I couldn't handle watching my cousins play Resident Evil 2, now i've beaten every recent iteration among other horror games. Meh, poor FPS skills mean nothing, there are only a handful that don't get monotonous after the first few hours anyways. You flail-punch when you get scared? 

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Us fangirls can be quite chill.  Get me started on Homestuck or MGS and I'm still quite chill, with added keysmash.

Man, I'm the worst at FPS.  Third person shoooters on the other hand?  Sign me the fuck up tbh.  I've played enough MGS and RE4 to get pretty good at them lol.

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Oh, I know there are some pretty cool fangirls out there that don't overly fangasm over what they love, but I have run into some that are just like....crazy cat lady in the making. O__o

They at least seem more mature than fanboys who from what I have seen, just tend to be overly hostile/stupid. 

Last 3rd person shooter I played was Resident Evil 6, got too much crap, found it to be fun and I haven't played a MGS since 4. 

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Some fanboys are just pants on head stupid too, but yeah, some fangirls are pretty goddamn crazy about their pairings and ships.  EO and I are pretty cool about that lol

RE6 looks so good ; n;  but I can see why it'd get a ton of flack.  I haven't played MGS4, but I don't think I'll actually be able to handle it because Big Boss dies in the end and I'm kind of /really/ attached to the one eyed mtoherfucker oops.  I'm playing MGS3 right now for the third?? time and I just love that game so much I just can't ; n;

So what kind of anime do you like?

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I'm eccentric because I'm me, not because I also happen to be a fangirl, lul. Some dudes can be pretty hostile, I think that's symptomatic of something else though. I try not to get too deeply involved in fandom wank, but I'll hop into a discussion from time to time on the Tumbls.


The only third person shooter I play is Saints Row. I also cheat profusely in that game.


I've seen my brother play MGS2 at least a million times, but I still don't know what that series is actually about.

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To Emotional Output:


Fandom wank? o.o

I just keep my mouth shut when it comes to my fandoms, I will silently enjoy what I like and care not for the negative opinions of those who say otherwise. 

My brother loved Saints Row, just liked 3 and thinks 4 looks a little too out there. Cheating in that game is no big deal, it in no way takes itself seriously, they should just encourage fans to go ape****. 

Good for you because the MGS is convoluted enough as it is, trying to wrap your head around all the nonsense in that series ain't easy. 


To the Gorehound...horse?


Pants on head stupid? Never heard that before. I know of D*** for a brain stupid though. 

Ah yes, pairings and ships....I have seen many a fangirl just go bat**** crazy defending who they think should be together. 

It didn't deserve the flack, people complained for the dumbest of things, the camera made them queasy, too many QTE's, too actiony, story was dumb, gameplay felt off and other BS. 

I put at very least, 60+ hours into that game, beat every story, many on various difficulties, mercenaries mode which still gives me an adrenaline rush when things get really hectic, story was easy to follow, voice acting was good, gameplay was fun but the many QTE's did suck though, if you ever play it, you'll probably enjoy it. 

IMGS 4 kind of killed the series for me, the story, while actually tying off many loose ends, just felt like crap. Everyone treats Snake like crap, despite, you know, saving the world, and the poop guy + Meryl thing remains the most idiotic love story i've ever seen in a video game. The only time in my life I ever actually facedesk'd. 

3 was really good, it made sense, gave good background info, and was really fun. 

Action, comedy, sci-fi, i'm open to most genres I suppose, my favorites are on my profile thingy. 

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"Fandom wank -- Fannish absurdity, self importance, gratuitious grandiosity. Named for the community on journalfen.net"


Basically what you're talking about there with people getting outrageously worked up over ships and the like.


Portal makes me queasy and I can't play it for more than ten minutes at a time. I love Portal, but I can sympathise with them on that point--it can be hard to get into a game when you feel like you're going to vomit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it was a nice enough intro.  I'm not sure that number I am on usernames...but this one I pick because it is just something that popped out to me.


Welcome to the community...let us know if you should have any questions.

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