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Never been good at introductory anythings to be perfectly honest. 

I suppose salutations are in order?

Um, hello to any who read this. o__o

Why am I here?

Downloads of course but I saw the 15 post requirement and thought meh, I should just join an anime forum at least once especially considering I have exactly 2 friends who actually watch anime so my lack of conversation buddies on the subject are slim to say the least. 

The name was just hastily thrown together with the first part being the name of my favorite Marvel character and the 2nd part being my 2nd favorite mythical creature. 

Not much else to say other than that I shall try to not be as quiet as I usually am on forums. >__>;

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I think my username was the result of flipping through the dictionary, but seeing as I made it up almost ten years ago, my memories may not be serving me properly. Either way, I'm strangely attached to my username and will probably never change it (I think it's also technically too long so if I change it, I may never be able to change it back), so perhaps you too will develop a relationship with the name PhoenixLogan.


I suppose some more advertising could be done for the IRC channel and how you can download from it without any post requirement, but due to my nefarious schemes to turn this forum into a social hub, I cannot actually condone that course of action.


Welcome to the forum all the same. Don't be nervous, we're all friends here.

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I think my username was the result of flipping through the dictionary, but seeing as I made it up almost ten years ago, my memories may not be serving me properly. Either way, I'm strangely attached to my username and will probably never change it (I think it's also technically too long so if I change it, I may never be able to change it back), so perhaps you too will develop a relationship with the name PhoenixLogan.


I suppose some more advertising could be done for the IRC channel and how you can download from it without any post requirement, but due to my nefarious schemes to turn this forum into a social hub, I cannot actually condone that course of action.


Welcome to the forum all the same. Don't be nervous, we're all friends here.


I actually just noticed that I got it backwards when I was describing the origin of my username...and it will annoy me forever. >__>

I really should read what I type before posting it. 

Perhaps I will eventually develop a fondness for this username, though I only have fondness for one of my other usernames at the moment since I typically go by that one and I made like, 6 years ago. 

Still, thanks for the welcome. :D

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I understood what you meant when explaining your name, haha. It's not too late to change it since I didn't quote you, so there will be no evidence. Except for the fact that we're talking about it. This is probably why I'm not a criminal mastermind. Blast.


I have a handful of names I use depending on availability. There's obviously this one, but then I'm also Padlock (and occasionally variations thereof because the name tends to be taken), Photoshopped, Anracli, and Araceli (this one also tends to be taken). My gamertag on Xbox features two of these names.


How come you didn't use the name you already have established as your persona? Are you looking for a new lease on life? Should we have a montage?

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I understood what you meant when explaining your name, haha. It's not too late to change it since I didn't quote you, so there will be no evidence. Except for the fact that we're talking about it. This is probably why I'm not a criminal mastermind. Blast.


I have a handful of names I use depending on availability. There's obviously this one, but then I'm also Padlock (and occasionally variations thereof because the name tends to be taken), Photoshopped, Anracli, and Araceli (this one also tends to be taken). My gamertag on Xbox features two of these names.


How come you didn't use the name you already have established as your persona? Are you looking for a new lease on life? Should we have a montage?


That tends to happen a lot, I mess up what I want to say but people are kind enough not to bring up my mistake but then I realize the mistake and then shame washes over me. >__>

Shame, if you were a criminal mastermind we would do battle whenever I get the career i'm working towards. 


I like those names, particularly, Padlock. 

That's a good question, only 2 sites have my usual username...well, 3, but that was a long time ago. As much as I like it I don't seem to use it much nowadays, instead opting to use names that feature one of my favorite mythical creatures. =p

I should use my original more often, I think it perfectly captured my personality....but then some buffoon ran for president and everyone kept calling him the 2nd part of my username and....it got kind of annoying. 

A montage? I exercised earlier today and heard Gonna Fly Now, so if I have a montage, it'll be that song. =p 

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Are you planning on being a superhero, because I plan on taking over the world. The only thing stopping me is my crippling laziness.


I retain political trivia like I retain sports trivia (which is to say not at all). I would probably feel pretty weird about continuing to maintain a persona that has taken up media relevance in another context, though. When I was twelve I had an original character named Celestia, and then some famous person went crazy and claimed to be Celestia? Or like possessed by a Celestia, I don't remember. And then MLP happened and I basically can never salvage that character. It's also a pretty lazy name all things considered, but still.


Youtube is telling me that's the theme song from Rocky, I suppose that is appropriate montage music!

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Nah, don't have the physique to be a superhero, just something in law enforcement. 

I think plenty of people suffer from crippling laziness and are prone to too much procrastination. 


It was some doofus  back in 08 who tried running for president, got his ass kicked but his nickname stuck around for a bit so I went with a few other names for a while. 

I can definitely see people associating that name with MLP nowadays so yeah, using it would likely result in some negative reactions. 


Yes, yes it is, and appropriate music to exercise to! 

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2008 was the first year I was legally able to vote and I didn't!! I'm a bad citizen. Granted, I had just enlisted that year and all that absentee voting stuff was kind of bizarre to me. I still don't like paperwork. Election time is also when I go into hiding because people get cray-cray.


It's too bad because I like MLP:FIM, but not to brony levels, haha. I also kind of liked that character, poorly developed though she was.

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One of the problems I have with voting is that they word everything in legalese, which I guess makes sense, but for those of us who don't make a living off reading that, it just kind of results in glazed over eyes. I had to re-read stuff like three times to make sure I wasn't accidentally voting against something I actually agree with. Apparently there are some states that add a plain English translation of proposed laws and all that, to make sure people know exactly what they are voting for. I wish I lived in a state that did that.


I follow the MLP fandom to a very minor degree, haha. I used to follow a blog about some of the more problematic bronies, but the stuff they were talking about was so sickening I just couldn't handle seeing it on my dash anymore. I still check it from time to time. I think the last time I checked in, they were talking about this project some bronies were doing to make the MLP episodes "anatomically correct"?? Basically they just wanted to draw genitals on ponies and wouldn't admit that it was for pornographic purposes, instead choosing to claim it was for academic reasons.

Yes. "Academic".


But yeah, I'm not of the mind that anyone who watches the show is automatically a brony. I know some people are trying to reclaim the term so it's not synonymous with racist, sexist asswad, but I dunno. I think you can enjoy things without needing to assume the fandom moniker. Like I'm pretty sure not everyone who likes Star Trek is a Trekkie? Maybe.

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Ha, legalese. 

I know what you mean, documents like that just bombard you with all this jargon that your mind can't understand no matter how hard you try and you're expected to make sound decisions based off a bunch of oftentimes confusing text. 

Do they really? That seems....stupid that not every state would do that....the masses aren't exactly well educated so something that explains exactly what you're getting into would be pretty useful. 



Well, thanks for the disturbing image....

Some people...wtf?


Same, I know there are some perfectly nice people who are fans of the show but it always seems to be the vocal minority that help to create an unhealthy image that unfortunately comes to represent all fans. =/

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Omg, right? I read somewhere that the fact that it's all written in legalese is confusing people enough that voting results may not be representative of how people actually feel. The default assumption would be voting yes = law is enacted and voting no = law is not enacted, but there are enough propositions worded the opposite way. So because the meaning is lost in the jumble, people are voting incorrectly. [/weeps]


I really tried to read the pamphlet they gave us about the questions we'd have to answer on the ballot, but my eyeballs fell out of my skull from how dry and awful it was written.


I live to spread the horrors of the Internet. It's only fair when I too am subjected to it, haha. (It's not always on purpose!)


But yeah, totally. It happens with everything and sometimes it makes hard to publicly be a fan of something or otherwise associated with any sort of group. I like Homestuck, but god save me if I accidentally say that to a person who happened to run into some shitty Homestucks, haha.

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What sucks is that you know there are some devious SOBs who purposely word proposed bills in such a way as to confuse voters. 

You have people trying to enact more restrictions on certain voters, bills that make little sense, a lack of clarity on what an individual is voting for, and people still wonder how certain things are passed or certain people are elected. 



Did it have that fine print BS that goes on for too long until eventually you say F this just to get it over with?


But...some horrors must be contained, we all know the saying, what has been seen, cannot be unseen, it ain't no different when it's your mental eye. D:


I know that feeling. I like this one video game that came out last year but the rest of the community and gamers in general immediately ridiculed the game and criticized those who liked it. Haha, I have indeed heard that some of those fans can be a little..."extreme," like Sonic fans....>__> 

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oi oi i'm a brony and i'm not racist or sexist n_n also did someone say internet horrors that's p. much what i live and breathe for o u o;;

anyway, welcome to the board!  you seem pretty neat so i hope you stick around.

i voted in '08 and then again in '12, making damn sure to vote last year because of who was running, yeesh

every fandom has fucked up fans that try to ruin it for everyone tbh.

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Ye, ye, I don't think there's anything I hate just because it has shitty fans. Otherwise I'd have to hate everything and I'm not ready for that, haha.


Politics is pretty awful, though. I'm trying to get over the immediate boredom that strikes me whenever I try to research things so I can be less ignorant, but all those roadblocks you mentioned are really frustrating. Why can't everything be done via song and dance? Life would be 10000000 times more fabulous.


Basically. It was like ten pages long and there were things in there I honestly did not care about--even though I should probably care, but they did a terrible job of convincing me. Being an adult is lame.


There are things I still haven't seen (like 2 Girls 1 Cup) either because the description is enough to crash my brain or I started watching it out of morbid curiosity and noped the hell out of there. I did that with one video where it was a dude strapped to the bottom of some clear contraption, and then some girl came in and took off her pants and proceeded to empty her bowels and bladder into the contraption and I was like, "OKAY THAT'S QUITE ENOUGH THANK YOU" and closed out of it.


All of my Sonic knowledge is second-hand.



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I've seen both of those.  I will never eat soft serve chocolate ice cream again, especially after a friend of mine watched it with me and was like no girls don't poop that's ice cream like nOPE NOPE NOPE  And there's also the bme pain olympics holy shit

The things done for the internet are p. sick sometimes wow. 

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oi oi i'm a brony and i'm not racist or sexist n_n also did someone say internet horrors that's p. much what i live and breathe for o u o;;

anyway, welcome to the board!  you seem pretty neat so i hope you stick around.

i voted in '08 and then again in '12, making damn sure to vote last year because of who was running, yeesh

every fandom has fucked up fans that try to ruin it for everyone tbh.

Well I hope you enjoy those internet horrors. :D

My eyes have seen enough horrors for one lifetime. x__x

Also, that's the first time i've been called neat in....don' t know how many years, but thanks! 



I like how this started off as my awkward little introduction and has since seen topics such as fandoms, politics, username origins, and now things that if my eyes were to see, they would bleed. Strangest intro topic I've ever done. 

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The Pain Olympics appears to be something I don't even want to describe, haha. Google it at your own risk! (don't do it)


Gore (and vore for that matter) is really hard for me to handle. I'm pretty squeamish. I'll watch scary movies, but I'll have my eyes covered 90% of the time. I guess that's more listening to horror movies than watching, but. It's a little easier for me to read stuff like that, but after a few minutes I start getting dizzy. I marathon-read Uzumaki and that was a mistake.

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