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Science Fiction (The lack there of)


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Okay, I'm new here, but as a sci-fi writer I have a couple of questions about what people are looking for.

I'm among the many that decry the lack of good(or any) sci-fi on network television. A glance over the line ups suggests we only care about crime shows and their various subdivisions. Sci-fi shows are being canceled due to their occult, or drama counterparts. One of my personal favorites, Fringe, is also nearing it's final season.

All the mess ups in promotion by the networks aside, what is it about a sci-fi show that causes it to be canceled before it hits the ground? It's a popular genre among most people, but with the advent of the internet, it seems good shows that are very popular online are being canceled because of low Nielsen ratings. The ratings system works through television sets and is only recorded if you watch the show when it airs, online viewership isn't taken into account. If you can't change the system, then take advantage of it.

Science Fiction in literature and popular media has always had a responsibility to inspire great minds to create the things we now cherish. Star Trek and Star Wars boast a wealth of bright minds amongst it's fans.

But what made these shows and movies great, what is it about them that leaves us wanting for more. Waiting anxiously through the week for the next episode?

For me, it was the idea that they didn't dumb down the ideas for the viewers. Things work because, SCIENCE! We weren't subjected to hours of explanation. You could watch any episode of the original Star Trek without being lost, or feeling stupid.

So, what do you want from your science fiction? Adventure on the cosmic ocean? An advanced humanity surviving on an alternate version of Earth? Are we ambassadors to the stars? Conquerors? Both? Some of everything, or completely different ideas?

I would love any and all feedback.

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Honestly, I just like my sci-fi as sci-fi. It needs to be futuristic and it needs to be fictional, other than that then they can do whatever they like with it. Of course, I do personally enjoy dimensional or space travel more, but post apocalyptic settings are also really good.

Really the reason that sci-fi isnt do that well is that people dont have as much imagination now. Star travel and phasers used to be fantastical and a completely new thing, now everything "has been done" and so people dont really enjoy it as much. If sci-fi wants to get back on its feet, then it needs something new and groundbreaking that shows us a different future from the normal laser weapons and fancy doodads. Look at "A Sound of Thunder", which created new aspects of time travel by introducing the butterfly effect. We need something new like that to keep it interesting

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As a fellow sci fi writer I couldn't agree with you more. Its a brilliant genre that has unfortunately fallen on hard times. But it is just the way the world works. When Star Trek for instance came about during the space race, meaning that sci fi had a place in peoples hearts. Star Wars came about during the golden years in the 70's. Its a cycle that will keep going round and unfortunately for sci-fi junkies we are in a "modern fantasy" part of the cycle. Changes in technology will make sci fi more common in the future I do believe.

Personally I love space operas and vast backgrounds in my sci fi, and it reflects in my writing. But on the side I love the science fiction thrillers and horrors. I like science fiction that makes me have to stop and think, like Soylent Green or Blade Runner. I like more recent science fiction dramas like the Black Mirror shorts. Its a vast genre that I love in its entirety pretty much, be it dystopia or deep space. Far flung future or other dimensions, I don't really mind.

Hopefully I'll get my books published when science fiction is back in... one can only wait and see!

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NO! We need more soaps about docters, housing estates and irritating groups of people who need putting to the wall. Or some more channel 4 documentaries about the colour beige.

I greatly welcome the addition of more sci-fi films/series etc but people are far too entrenched in the current wank we allow on our televisions. The best thing to do is turn your telly off and open a book:D

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  • 1 year later...

Title says it all really ever since they canned stargate. Have not really looked forward to anything. I need a new space show hopefully somebody will make something soon. Wish they could have taken the Defiance budget and actually created something good. I hate Defiance.

Sci-Fi channel when to hell when they canned Stargate Atlantis, while it was still doing great, and renamed themselves to 'SyFy'.

Agree they should have ended the atlantis storyline. Universe could have been good at least the overall story was good and the sets were amazing I just hated the cast and writing for individual episodes.

Edited by Sicka
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