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Been a while ;)


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Hello all,

Been a while since I have spoke to or visited anyone in the old Final Fantasy community! Wow..feel old saying this now!

Anyway, I have some spare time and it would be great to catch up with some of you!

Everything is looking great with your site these days Koby!

Anyway chat to you all soon!

Greg (synthe)

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Hello Greg, hows it going?

Yeah, FM's still around, but tbh not a single thing has been changed, updated, or worked on in several years (I think the last content update was in 2008). I just never have the time, nor the want to. It could be in part to my complete hate and utter disappointment that is FF13 and now FF13-2.

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haha hey dude!

Yeah FF13 was a major let down for me as well and thus wont be buying ff13-2 :/.

Its still good you have your domain though..just wish there was a away I could get my old site back online! >< miss the glory days we all once had!!

I just run a few forums/gym sites these days, but non are as fun as the final fantasy website I used to run and the people in the community to!

Anyway good to hear back from you and I will try poke my nose in here every once in a while!

All the best


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