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its shade again


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hey guys its me i bet koby is the only one who remembers me but thats ok

i left in october i didnt have internet till now, i have it on my phone, scratchimg my cats ears with my stylis atm. lol.

anyway im back for awhile but im probably just going to ghost and post depressing poetry as to the fact im single again, damn those cheating assholes...

oh yeah and now im 18 and im enlisting in the marine corps who would of guessed?

i dunno about u guys but to me this is starting to look like a book so i lrave it at that...xoxo vix

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Maybe.. most of the old time members have vanished.. and only new people remain, lol..

The community is nothing like it once was.. and doesn't seem like it ever will be again.

It's good to see/hear from you again Shade.

Single again? Sorry to hear that.

I got tired of all the drama that ensues with women cheating and arguments over petty stuff... and so I haven't dated anyone in a couple years now, lolz. I'm 20, single, and proud of it.... If only I could find a job.. O.o

Well, I'll check out some of your poems later when I get the chance.

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well u can only hope for the best

and well to be honest i date very little and with this one it happened today or rather i found out today i was completely blindsided

however im not here to mope came back to deny myself that pityful hobby

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