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Yea, hihi ^_^

Hidden Leaf

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2 or 3 years later.

Hi everyone.

been busy myself. - Hi Koby remember me, were is everyone from Clicdev?, like brentoz, letty, rai, i still speak to Ultimate gamer alot btw.

I don't really play Final fantasy or kingdomhearts anymore, i only play on the xbox 360, ps3 sometimes, and i code.

I use c#, photoshop, etc, i hack gamerscore, mod games and alot more.

Well its great to hear or speak to you again, lol remember breton. LOL is he on this forum?

i'm still so random, but i don't care :)

i have a life outside of gaming and the computer, i love to go clubbing, gigs, etc and get so fucked up on JD !

errr yea, i'm done.


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Does clic!dev even exist anymore? lolz.. I left it and when I did it seems everyone quit posting there when I went back and checked... Last time I looked it was dead.

I remember you... but I don't think much of anyone from clic!dev still visits here either... This entire forum is filled with newcomers.. and all the old members have pretty much vanished... I miss a lot of the old friends who I don't know if I will ever be able to contact again.. :'(

Anyways... I don't play videogames much anymore at all.. I have only my Playstation 2 now.. I sold my other consoles and well without a job I've never had the money to go next-gen yet. lolz.

I mostly watch movies and anime in my free time now. I'm not into being online much like I was in the past... I dunno.. the internet just seems a little boring now. No one seems to use forums as much either, and every forum I visit seems dead.

So how have you been? You still in contact with any peeps from clicdev?

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WOOW! Clicdev. Haha, I remember that place. The shops and all. The memories xD

I was a member there but didn't post as much, only for help. Had a forum named Spiran Memories!

Thanks to Koby for everything!! =)

I'm not new to this forums. I was a member since Dark Fantasy was around.

Not many people know who I am, I wasn't the talkative type back then. I know a few!

So I'm not a newbie here lmao and yeah I wish I could've kept in contact with old friends I knew.

Video games? I don't play as much as I used to. Could it be I got older? I guess but I don't have that "spark" for it.

I still every once in a while like keep it with classics I haven't had the chance to play.

I do own new generation consoles but yet to get Wii which will be soon.

My life atm is bleeh haha. I need a job and everything. It'll pick up. I hope *_*

Anyway, seems like I'm copying Koby xD. Welcome, see you around!!

I used to go around the name as "Sora", "Justin", "Sk8ierBoi".

I want a name change don't like this one <_< haha!

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  • 1 month later...
Does clic!dev even exist anymore? lolz.. I left it and when I did it seems everyone quit posting there when I went back and checked... Last time I looked it was dead.

I remember you... but I don't think much of anyone from clic!dev still visits here either... This entire forum is filled with newcomers.. and all the old members have pretty much vanished... I miss a lot of the old friends who I don't know if I will ever be able to contact again.. :'(

Anyways... I don't play videogames much anymore at all.. I have only my Playstation 2 now.. I sold my other consoles and well without a job I've never had the money to go next-gen yet. lolz.

I mostly watch movies and anime in my free time now. I'm not into being online much like I was in the past... I dunno.. the internet just seems a little boring now. No one seems to use forums as much either, and every forum I visit seems dead.

So how have you been? You still in contact with any peeps from clicdev?

Cris or was it Chris? forgot, he thought updating the forums would make it better, but it then died because it was sh*T, the layout sucked and it wasn't clidev anymore it was something new just with the same name.

and Hi Rawkstar :)

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