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Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum. I ran across the site in my search for Final Fantasy Roleplayers, so I wasn't recommended here sadly. I was elated to see that the forum has a section dedicated to roleplay. Hopefully I can jump into some rp there, and maybe into conversations and such on the rest of the board. :P In any case I'm happy to be here, I've looked around and everything seems interesting, the members seem nice.

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Thanks to both Coby and SasukeX! :P I really like the forum alot actually, alot more than I had expected I would. I did notice that the roleplaying sections were sort of down. A shame it is, but the forum is a good place all in all with or without it. Hopefully the roleplaying section will be revived. :P I doubt I could do much as a new member to revive that, but I could try. =3

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Another roleplayer? Excellent, I already like you. I'm actually not a fan of RP battles at all. I just prefer the old fashioned RP where you have your own world, problems going on with it and just jump in with your characters and see where it takes you. I find them much more interesting. But in any case, welcome to the forum. I'm new as well but its also nice to see another roleplayer. Have fun and stick around. ^_^

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That sounds like an interesting idea Koby. X3 If I wasn't so swamped with my own final fantasy forum rp right now, I would. Its in desperate need of things so I'm trying to smooth it out and help things run alot better. I'm also searching for members so if anyone is interested in checking it out check out my profile on here and then if you do like it, message me on here before joining so I know you joined.

But yeah, after I get things running much smoother I'll definately try to start one up on here. From the looks of things you have enough to get a thread going from the members talking about wanting one. Myself included in that tally.

Thank you Exire, I like you too. X3 Anyone that can roleplay and use good literacy gets five stars in my book. Oh. Trust me I do plan on sticking around. lol.

Thanks as well to DarkSlayer47. Much apprieciated, I enjoy it here alot.

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