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My Anime/Manga Experience


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Greetings to all!!! I am Sharess, new member to the forums. As a longtime anime fan, I figured this would be a great place to start my introduction.

First of all, anime led me to manga. It was Sailor Moon (hehe, I know...) that pulled me in when I was younger, and the occasional episode of Dragonball (not Dragonball Z, mind you ^_~*). Then a dear friend introduced me to the Ranma 1/2 anime when I was a freshman in high school and that was it... the anime addiction was etched into my being forevermore. Trips to a myriad of video/DVD rental businesses brought more than a few strange anime's to my notice. Revolutionary Girl Utena (which I eventually bought as a complete set on DVD + the Movie :beauty:), Shamanic Princess, Devil Man, Bastard, Devil Hunter Yohko, and Legend of the Overfiend 1 & 2 just to name a few early anime's I saw. Needless to say, I have seen a broader range since that time... LOL!!!

The current incarnation of my anime addiction is in the form of Shonen Jump's One Piece. The humor, art and story have drawn me in and I seriously hope to start collecting the manga's soon. *^_^*

The very first manga I read and collected all the volumes to was Petshop of Horrors. All I can say is OMG I love D! :red_heart: He and Leon made such a great pair. I'm only a couple of volumes into the sequel series, Petshop of Horrors: Tokyo, but undoubtedly I will collect them all as well. Other series that have joined my reading rotation, but sadly have not been completed, are: Vampire Game, Rebirth, Return to Labyrinth, & Vampire Knight.

I am a very rudimentary artist, but enjoy attempting to draw anime-style characters of my own, but I'm my own worst critic and most of those will never see the light of day. I also work with computer graphics for some of my art and those are posted at my deviantart site: http://x-crystal-dragon-x.deviantart.com/ for anyone that is curious about my work.

I guess that's enough on my Anime/Manga experience and I'm looking forward to reading & responding to any replies to my rambling little thread.

Love & Kisses,


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Hey Everyone!!!

Longtime no see!!

Well, as you can see I'm back and looking forward to partaking in all the fun offered by Kametsu. Not too long after joining, real life decided to get in the way, so I couldn't spend the time I wanted to learning my way around and meeting some new friends. But, that is no longer the case.

So I decided to bump my own message and give anyone reading it a small update and extend a hand of friendship to my fellow forum members.

Its my strong hope to join in the Graphics Area, because I love designing avatars, sigs and the like. Here is one I designed over two years ago, but I still think its pretty...


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