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[ALERT] Logging via Twitter is now disabled


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This announcement is primarily for anyone who used the "Sign in with Twitter" functionality on the forum.


Effective immediately, we have decided to remove the ability to sign in with a Twitter account. This is both due to - and in protest of - Twitter's recent decision to suspend our application access, as well as their decision to start charging money for API access. We are fully aware Twitter has a free tier for API calls, and we are equally aware that login functionality through Twitter is included in all tiers, but given the direction Twitter has been going we do not want to take the risk that this may all change for the worse in the future.


We regret making this decision, but we do not agree with Twitter's decision to commercialize the API so many have relied upon for years, regardless of whether or not we can use the login function calls for free or not.


Any users that had use the "Sign in with Twitter" functionality before should still have access to their accounts on the forum, these will not be deleted. However, you may still need to request a password reset email in order to access them, or request help from either myself or Koby. We highly prefer you use the email option as neither of us can guarantee availability for manual reset requests and we would still have to manually validate you via email before allowing you to set a new password.


Again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

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