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[IMPORTANT] Site future


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To all members,


After some discussion with Koby, a preliminary decision has been made regarding the future of this website.


The good news, is that we'll be keeping the forums around for now. To that end we'll be sprucing up the forums and underlying software. This is expected to occur over the next couple of weeks or so. Ultimately, we still may decide to fully wind it down at some point in 2023 but this is not definitive at this point. We'll post more details on these plans if and when we decide to do so. The Discord and IRC communities will remain as they are, in fact we may work on tighter integration with the website! Stay tuned...


Rest assured, that if we do ultimately decide to "retire" the forums, they will likely be archived (though some "cleaning up" will occur as part of that process) as Koby and I are in agreement that a lot of the topics and subforums should be preserved rather than deleted.


For those of you still sticking around, thanks for being a part of the community, as always! We greatly appreciate you!

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