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What makes a great game?

The Joker

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We all have our own views on this, so I want to know, what, to you, makes a makes a truely great game.

For me, it has to have the following:


A great game needs to have a plot that can keep the gamer guessing and interested. Thowing something up that wasn't expected is also a must.


A tough one, as all games are different. A truely great game is one where the gamer is not tied down to a single story / quest. As good as the main story is, a game that gives you plenty of alternatives and options is always going to appeal to more people.

A constantly changing environment is also a good feature, be it from something simple as a change in the weather to how each action the player takes, no matter how small, affacts everything around them.

But most importantly, the AI must be at a level to prove enough of a challenge for players of all levels, and not suffer from being like a 'Headless Chicken' e.g. running into a wall / fence instead of going around


Something that for me has been the source of many hours of annoyance. So many games fall here by over-complicating the controls when they don't need to. In most game formats, simple is best.


While these themselves do not necessarily make a game great, they need to be at a level where the gamer can really marvel and enjoy the attention to detail. For instance, the unique water colour painting style of Valkyria Chronicles (see pic in Spoiler)


Many gamers will buy a game based on the images on the back of the case. If graphics look like something from the days of the PS1, then a game is unlikely to sell as well as something that has the high level graphics as, say, Final Fantasy Xiii or Heavy Rain.

phew... so anyway, thats my views on what makes a great game.

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Okay this might be a little long and might drag on a little but I am gonna give it a go. Gonna use the same format as you Random.


A plot to me cannot be to predictable, it needs to be able to keep me entertained and guessing. I absolutely despise games that have absolutely no structured plot to them. I need to have my brain constantly thinking about possible outcomes of the event when in a little break during the game or when I am not playing the game for that matter. But then again the plot cannot be to overwhelming that I am not realising what I am actually doing throughout the game and just blindly following them.


The best type of gameplay for me has to be sandbox. I love a game where I can just go around and kill stuff or blow things up for no reason when I get bored with the main story or just feel like having a bit of a break from everything thats happening in the game. A game also needs to have an attractive background for it, and by an attractive background, I just mean really well made scenery.


This is probably one of the least insignificant parts of a game for me. I really think that if the game can satisfy my needs in the other two criteria, the graphics won't matter that much to me. That being said I still expect decent graphics to be put in. It is really a bonus to me when a great game, with a great plot has really good graphics as well.

Why I Buy a Game?

I thought I would add this in as another section, just to give a little insight. I will not often just go out and buy a game without first checking out some trailers and reading some articles about it and some reviews. To me it is very important that I become enthralled with the game from the second I see the trailer. I will normally buy a game by first looking at a trailer, then I will do some research and see what other think about the game and if they are all positive then I will go and buy it. If I am still not 100% though I will normally also look at some gameplay footage to give me a little bit more of an idea on it.

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hey np on using the same format. whatever suits your style man.

I would agree with your section on 'Why i buy a game'. I too rarely buy a game without reading reviews, or seeing trailers and / or playing a demo first. Those things are crucial, especially if a game doesn't live up to the huge expectations that everyone has on it. >.> looking at you there StormRise...

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