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Mail system notice


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I have an important notice regarding Kametsu's email system. And heads-up, forgive me if this ends up being a long post.


As some of you may know already, one of the primary things I do behind the scenes is keep an eye on the server's email system and make sure that those of you who subscribe to email updates for new posts and the like, get those in your inbox reliably. As a part of that effort, I conduct occasional audits of the server's mail log, to check for any emails that may not have reached their intended destinations. Recently, during a few of these audits, I noted a large number of outbound email messages bouncing back - that is, they are being rejected by the destination mail server, and that mail server bounces it back to Kametsu's server as undeliverable. The reasons these messages bounce back are fairly widespread, and some I'm not going to address here...but there are two specific cases I need to address here.


What I want to address in this post, is actually two things - the use of "disposable" email addresses, and then active users who still post but use an inactive email.


Regarding "disposable" email addresses...these services, such as DisposableInbox, Mailinator, and others, are not only insecure in some respects, but most are not properly configured or are configured in such a way that Kametsu's server cannot "talk" to it to deliver mail. The use of disposable addresses on forums is generally frowned upon. The reason why is these addresses are very commonly abused to bypass bans, among other things. In addition, many of these services are in the public domain (most notably Mailinator, some others may as well), which makes them highly insecure should you forget your password. For others, Kametsu's server can't talk to these services because these services perform unreasonable checks that no other real mail server should perform, and Kametsu's server refuses to adhere to these checks.  As the person maintaining the mail system on the server, I very highly encourage those of you that currently use disposable/throwaway email addresses, to switch to a real email address instead, or otherwise unsubscribe from email notifications. There's just not much I can do about this, unfortunately.


The other thing I wanted to address is for active users who have an inactive email set in their account profile. If you are still an active user here on the forum, and you find you're not receiving your usual 'new post' emails (and others), this probably applies to you. Some free email services (notably, Live/Hotmail/Outlook.com, could be others) deactivate your inbox if it's not used for a while. It's important to keep such email accounts active on a regular basis so you can ensure regular delivery of your topic updates. If you're not getting your email updates, try either updating your profile with a current email address or reactivate the existing one if possible. This helps cut down on the number of bounced messages I have to handle.


Sorry for the long post. If you have any concerns, I'm more than open to hear your thoughts, I'll get back to them as soon as I'm able to.

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4 hours ago, Anon316 said:

I wouldn't recommend it because according to the rules in the topic below, if you are caught using a disposable email address (DEA) you will be banned.




Yes. I decided to bring it up here because I still see it in the mail logs, including last night.

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