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Hey.  Just as the title says.  I'm not very good at introductions, and I honestly thought I'd already done this before, so I'll just stick to answering the questions presented in the 'Welcome to Kametsu! [Read First!]' thread.

  • How did you find Kametsu?

By visiting cartoon-world.org

  • What do you think of the place so far?

Don't really have an opinion on it yet.  Seems like a kind enough place though.  Certainly different than some forums I visit, or used to visit.

  • How active are you planning on being?

I more often read forums than post in them unless I find something relevent to say.  I find I get burned out with online communities if I try too much to be a vocal part of them.  I do have a couple of cartoons on DVD that I could rip and share though if there's any demand.  I haven't seen them online before, so maybe someone else would want them.

  • What are your top five anime?

I haven't really watched many in a long time now.  I guess Cowboy Bebop is still my top.  I've heard good things about Kill la Kill from friends, so maybe I'll check that out sometime.

  • Top five video games?

Oh, gosh... That's way too difficult ot nail down.  I could probably answer it by genre, but overall is too difficult.  I'm sure Mega Man 3 and Metal Gear Solid 2 are up there somewhere.

  • What other hobbies do you have?

Building my cartoon collection and drawing.

  • Make any graphics?

Well, I draw cartoon pin-ups, among other things, on commission.

  • Do you have any questions for us?

None that haven't been answered by reading the Rules/FAQ and browsing the site for a bit.


That's about all I have to say really.  I'll probably chill in the  Cartoon  and Gaming Realm areas for the most part since those are the two subjects here that interes t me the most.

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Hello there and welcome to the forums.


Metal Gear Solid 2 is such a great game. I love that whole series. 2 Metal Gear games getting released one shortly after the other. How blessed we are ^_^


And, your introduction was fine. More intro then most new people do.

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