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Hey everyone, as you can probably tell... I'm new here. ^^,

Basically the reason why I joined is,

Welcome to Kametsu Forums!

If you've an interest in anime' date=' RPGs,[/b'] or graphics, we're certain you have just found your new home. new home. new home.

How did you find Kametsu?

I was looking for a gaming forum, and with all the other content here I couldn't resist.

What do you think of the place so far?

I'm in love? Is it legal to marry a website?

How active are you planning on being?

Somewhere between moderate and goku level.

What are your top five anime?

Code Geass, Lucky Star, Hellsing(OVA). Caaan't think of a clear #4 and #5.

Top five video games?

Final Fantasy Series (mainly 9, 10), Disgaea Series (3, 4),
Dark Souls
, Eternal Sonata,

What other hobbies do you have?

Manga, Visual Novels
(and Eroges)
and occasional writtings (mainly fanfics).

Make any graphics?

I gave it a shot once, but not anymore. (was never really good at it)

Do you have any questions for us?

So... Ummm.... Is it legal to marry a website?

Well this is getting a bit long-winded so.. Glad to be here. :3

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Thanks for the Welcomes, I'm sure I will enjoy myself here. ^^,

Welcome to the forum, Breathless. We seem to have a small faction interested in eroge, since they keep trying to inject some type of hentai into the potential possible maybe "official" Kametsu VN.

You can marry the site, but you'll have to ask Koby for permission, haha.

Ah, this site is pretty top knotch already. ;) The main reason I joined was for the discussions on Console Games which is pretty abbundant. Wasn't really expecting any hentai or eroge section. Didn't mean for it to come out like that.

After all, this is this and that is that.

But regarding the marriage, So I'll need Koby's blessing? ;3 haha. In that case, I better make myself presentable. :secret_smile:

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Welcome to Kametsu. I hope you enjoy your stay. It may very well be possible to marry a site...like EO said, you;d have to ask Koby's permission on this one. There are definitely many areas to this site. BTW, if you'd like a signature and avatar like most of us have...you can request one from the many whom have Request Shops over at the Graphical Divison area. Like me, there are others whom are good at doing that sort of thing and have open up shop to help others have signatures and avatars who can't do graphics. We are all good at different areas. You might not be good at graphics, but I'm sure you are good at other things that others are not. Anyways...I'm rambling now...LOL. It's very nice to meet you and don't be afraid to ask anyone if you need help with something.

:hguit5:... :look_down:

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Maybe you could try to elope, but I don't know how viable that will be if you're not in the same country as the server.

I ran that scenario through my head before the Marriage scenario, but alas. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. :hguit5: I Guess my only option now is to become a millionaire and use the power of money. :sure:


Welcome to Kametsu. I hope you enjoy your stay. It may very well be possible to marry a site...like EO said, you;d have to ask Koby's permission on this one. There are definitely many areas to this site. BTW, if you'd like a signature and avatar like most of us have...you can request one from the many whom have Request Shops over at the Graphical Divison area. Like me, there are others whom are good at doing that sort of thing and have open up shop to help others have signatures and avatars who can't do graphics. We are all good at different areas. You might not be good at graphics, but I'm sure you are good at other things that others are not. Anyways...I'm rambling now...LOL. It's very nice to meet you and don't be afraid to ask anyone if you need help with something.

:hguit5:... :look_down:

Haha! Thankyou! I'll go check out the graphics area soon! (Admittedly, I've only beenloitering around the anime and games section so far!) Thankyouu!

And thankyou to Luna and Darkangel for the welcomes too. It's good to be here. ^^V

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