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  • How did you find Kametsu? Heard something about this place in Cartoon World forums and decided to check this place out
  • Whats your top 5 Anime? Ohh that's a really hard question, don't know if i can name 5 really not in order at least, if had to say some anime's i'd probably say One Piece , Steins Gate and maybe Death Note.
  • What your top 5 Video Games? Another really hard question again but easier then top 5 anime certainly, but still a hard question nontheless, don't know if can name my 5op five but i can name some of my favorites like Fallout 3, Borderlands, The Uncharted series, Ratchet and Clank series and Legend of Zelda series to name a few.
  • What are some of your hobbies? Well i don't know if any of these would count as hobbies (i probably wouldn't) but they would be listening to music, playing video games, watching anime and just browsing the internet and stuff like that.
  • Do you do graphics? If so what graphic programs do you have? Nope not really.
  • Do you have any questions? Not at the moment no.

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