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Notice Headers.


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I've added some nice "Notices" to the forum. They show up on certain conditions, such as being a guest, still needing to validate your email address used for your account, being a member but never posted, or just being a member and haven't posted in the last few weeks.

I hope they help the community by reminding people to join if they haven't already, or to try and contribute to the community by being an active member.

I've also re-installed the Users Online Today mod, but this is a different version that also shows how many guests have visited.

I'm looking into adding some more plug-ins back to the forum now that it seems I have solved the error issue we were having.

If you receive any more errors or see something that needs to be fixed, please let me know by posting here, or sending me an email via the contact us link at the bottom of the forum.

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