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Possible Overhaul of Boards?


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Okay I'm thinking of majorly compressing the forum due to the low level of activity.

Here is what I am thinking.. so what do you think? Thoughts, critism, etc?

(key, no - is category, one - is main board, and --- is sub forum of board with only one - above.

Shinra Headquarters



-Staff Hideout

-The Forgotten Network

---All the sub forums currently within TFN.

-SeeD Hallway

Media Central

-Anime Lounge



-Gaming Realm

---Final Fantasy


---Kingdom Hearts

---Shadow Hearts


-Forum Games

Tantalus Hideout

Balamb Cafe'

---Art and Literature

---Mako Reactor

-Tech Center (the old Webdesign board, for websites, computers, etc.. all things tech)

-Graphical Division (requests done in pinned topic, gfx battles in main board)


-Alexandria Inn (possibly removed due to lack of interest)


Also I'm now taking donations through paypal and through mail for those who don't have paypal. Reason being is I no longer can afford to pay for the hosting and all the forum costs with the little money I make through advertisements, and well our vBulletin members area excess has now expired and thus I can no longer update the forum with the latest releases to keep it top-notch and secure. There is also a couple other things which I need to purchase for the forum to keep it fresh for everyone..

We need $120 in total funds at the moment for the forum, and $50 this month for hosting!

So any and all help is appreciated! Please donate and help us survive, otherwise at the rate things are looking we may have to unfortunately close down.. :'(

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay re-ordered the forums, slimmed it down some.. Going to do some enhancements to the forum behind the scenes, and finally finish all the modification edits that need to be done since upgrading.

Also going to change skins or at least update the banner to something different. Depending on if I can find a good skin or not.

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