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Howdy I am Tebian of the world of Vana'diel(ffxi), ok I promise no elvan character talk... hehe

I am old time role playing gamer but amazing sad, very new to Anime. This I blame on playing FFXI for last 4 year with about 585 days playtime now. I need to get out more often I am thinking. Only anima I have watched in past a lot and idk if it counts is Final Fantasy Unlimited. I am sure you guys can lead me on to something better than that series..

Nice to meet you all /bow

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Amazingly I haven't gotten around to watching Final Fantasy Unlimited.. :/ But some good ongoing anime at the moment would be Bleach and Naruto. There is thousands of anime to choose from though, and a lot of them are good, just have to kind of sift through them. I also recommend Chobits, Gungrave (really great), and R.O.D the TV.

Anyhow, welcome to the forum. ^_^ It's nice to meet you, and my name is Koby. =P

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Hey, welcome to the forum, question, what is your first language? It looks like, from your post, that you probably have a first language other than English.

*shivers* FFXI... well... to each their own is what I always say. I am a WoW player myself.

I believe his first language is English. He spoke/typed it fine to me.. and well according to his location he lives in the United States, however that doesn't mean anything because a lot of people don't speak English as their first language in the USA, lol.

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hehe my first language is English, except before my morning coffee. I was typing and playing in alliance of 18 guys at the same time I did that mess up there. Sorry when you spend so much time in chat bar will fighting, your whole way of speaking gets trashed terrible. I do have to say though I talk to peeps from Holland, Japan, Tawaiin, Turkey and France at one time and yeps you start talking very strange after awhile.

Thank you all for the warm greeting and nope your not the first to wonder if I have screw lose or do I speak with through translator. I am just that far gone now... Never start FFXI or your life as you know it will end and cyber world will begin.

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greetings dude all the people here are nice...except amrehlu he might eat you and caladbolg....just tell him not to kill you and youll be fine. . . but other than that welcome and enjoy dude (as for the other people here i dont know too much about them other than shade and shes kinda dangerous BUT i think youll be fine)

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I don't know Mike, that sounded like you insulting me on my weight or something... I may have to make Zach hurt you with his bat...

ATTENTION! - Mike (badomen121211) cannot be trusted, he is a coward! Not only would I not eat someone, but I hate people (humanity in general) so much the thought is sickening.

Game on Michael... or Micheal... don't really care, I just know you hate your full first name. *glare*

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Mike smokes two joints in the morning, and smoke two joints at night, he smokes two joints in the afternoon and than he feels alright,

he smokes two in time of peace, and two in time of war,

he smokes two joints, before he smokes two joint, than he smokes two more.

such a burnout *does that dancing move called, The Sprinkler, than moonwalks, looks back at the forum viewers* You're all next *narrow eyes*

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