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Hey everyone, just making a newbies thread =)

New Crusaders:

How did you find Kametsu?

It has been awhile since I was a member of a forum. I remember being a member at the forgotten memories forums (for some reason the name stuck in my head) and I just googled forgotten memories and decided to join up on this forum.

Whats your top 5 Anime?

I'm big on Cowboy Bebop, it just seems to fit my taste perfectly. Alas the series doesn't have many episodes but it was a brilliant story!

What your top 5 Video Games?

Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 11

Suikoden 1

Suikoden 2

Starcraft 2

Err... I'll add one more^^ Lost Odyssey

What are some of your hobbies?

I teach guitar at a local music store and i'm currently learning piano. I enjoy web development and MMORPGs as well.

Do you do graphics? If so what graphic programs do you have?

I do... I basically use the Adobe Suites (Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash)

Do you have any questions?

Hmm... well I can't seem to make a signature, but i'm guessing I might need to post more in order to do that =D?

Anyways, that is a bit of info about me. Looking forward to getting back into forum going, and getting to know all the regulars here!

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If you were a member of Forgotten Memories forums then you probably remember me. Same forum just under a different theme and name. What names did you once go by? I honestly don't remember anyone by the name of Steaks.

Anyhow, welcome to Kametsu forums. Hope you stick around this time and enjoy yourself.

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If you were a member of Forgotten Memories forums then you probably remember me. Same forum just under a different theme and name. What names did you once go by? I honestly don't remember anyone by the name of Steaks.

Anyhow, welcome to Kametsu forums. Hope you stick around this time and enjoy yourself.

I honestly don't remember what name I went by its been a very long time (I probably only had around 100 posts on that forum though). x:

I do remember you though. =)

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