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Hello, I'm new here.


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Well guys I'm new here, I like to be on forums, and if the forum is great enough I try to get members. It seems that I like this forum so I will be hang around here for a little awhile, anyways I'm 12 years old and I know some stuff about forums because I have been on one since March of this year. So if any people need help around here just come here and ask me. I love to play basketball and football, those are my sports, there really fun to play. I still have some time to be on forums, lets say about 2 or 3 hours a day. So I hope to meet a lot of members here, and if you have any questions about me just ask here or on A pm. Thanks for all those people that reads my new welcome thread!

PS: I been here before, But I got banned for ad, but I promese won't do that anymore, well hope to see some members around here! My old username was Darkslayer.



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