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Im a more old school anime fan (Started watching anime way before it was 'cool', not that its ever really been that cool in AUS and the only way to actually watch anime back then was to go to a video store and watch them on a, some of you young people wont know, a VCR!)

Haven't really bothered with forums much but thought id give it a go, and the rare dubs i find on bittorrent sites I d.l all of them ages ago, now i found more, MOAR!!!!!

Hope to be apart of what looks like a decent comunity.

Death Note, Bleach and Pokemon arnt the only animes out there people!!!!! :beat_brick:

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Welcome to the forums! Hay, I still remember a VCR, in fact I was using one until it died last month, sadly though I think those electronic devices have past on. It's now harder to use them instead of dvd players now. I didn't think I was that old at 20, but I was at a friends and his younger brother (5th grader) didn't know what a VCR or cassette player was... what has happened to the world?!?! lol.

Getting back on subject... this is one of the biggest sites online for dubbed anime and it has a great community with wonderful, helpful people so you wont be disappointed. Again; welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay.

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Welcome, hope you enjoy the forums! I'm in the same boat - first anime I bought was on VHS (though i admit I haven't actually had a functioning VHS player for about 5 years!) and first music was on vinyl ....and talking of now ancient devices...my first computer was an Apple IIe :)

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