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Greetings and salutations

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Hello gentle people.  So I was recommended to this place by Zemekis, a dear friend of mine, and he had me hooked up with an account from here.  I didn't post until now, not because this seemed like a bad place, but because I figured that, since this place seems dedicated to JRPGS and me being a FPS/action gaming fan that I would be the black sheep of this board.  Zemekis assured me that this was A OK so here I am making my introductory post.  My hobbies include movies, anime, video games, guns, booze and just in general just taking it easy and relaxing.  Kind of an old timer since I grew up with the heyday of videogames starting all the way on the NES and then growing up with almost every major console.  So as far as my favorite video games go...


1. DOOM (1993)

2. Devil May Cry 3

3. Goldeneye 007 64

4. System Shock 2

5. Final Fight


Those are my top 5 at least.  As far as favorite animes go,  My two big favorites are Outlaw Star and Guyver: The Bio-booster armor (1989 OVA).  I'm more into classical anime though there are some new ones that I quite like (Konosuba springs to mind).


Anywho, I think that should suffice as an introduction.  I'll post as much as I can and hope to make a new friend or two!

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Howdy, welcome to Kametsu. We're kind of a general gaming and anime forum, but things have largely died out and it's just a handful of us who comment anymore. We've also got an IRC channel and Discord server which generally see more activity just because it's easier/quicker to communicate instantly about whatever. You can always check them out if you would like.


I think you'll fit right in with our love of movies, anime, video games, guns, booze, etc. XD Heck I've even got my own shooting range setup on our ranch and we reload our own ammo.

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Welcome to the forum! It's true that JRPG threads have the most active discussions, but that's not exclusive to other topics. You can actually see whats being posted from the activity tab as there aren't that many posts a day. Hope you enjoy your stay!

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I already know Starwind from the OutlawStarNexus forums (and Steam...and anime night on Fridays...and IRL), so no need to reply to his introduction here. Although I didn't know that System Shock 2 was a top-5 of his. I knew he liked it but I didn't know how much.


22 hours ago, Koby said:

I think you'll fit right in with our love of movies, anime, video games, guns, booze, etc. XD Heck I've even got my own shooting range setup on our ranch and we reload our own ammo.

I didn't know you had a range set up and did reloading. I may need to pick your brain on that sometime as I've been curious about reloading as well. We don't have a "range" at our ranch exactly...but we shoot there. When I'm not at the ranch, I use an outdoor range here without too many rules. They're one of the few around here with steel targets/silhouettes so that's always fun. It's set up for skeet shooting too, which I enjoy (although somehow I'm getting WORSE over time instead of better!).


15 hours ago, Arisien said:

It's true that JRPG threads have the most active discussions, but that's not exclusive to other topics.

Maybe I should have told him that more directly months ago when he got an account. I think the background of the site spooked him into thinking it was a weeb-only zone, perhaps.

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