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Why Luke Sywalker was the greatest Jedi of all... "Yes. It is true. I can feel the anger stirring within you, already..." :)


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You see, this question comes-up among fans of Star Wars, which is: "Who was the greatest Jedi of all those seen and depicted the the movies?"


And I think without question or doubt, pretty much everyone's VERY last choice is always: Luke Skywalker


No one sees him as even being close to any of the other Jedi as shown. Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Masters Windu and Yoda, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, all amazingly powerful and capable beyond imagination. The Sith... Sidious, Dooku, Mahl.  Through the course of the story we are shown some extremely incredible Jedi, and Sith too. Since after all the Sith are really just Dark Jedi.


However, I have thought about this, and also about what these movies really say, the story that they tell. And this story has one BIG component:  LOVE

Love is stated as being perhaps the greatest of the Laws of the Jedi. To be selfless and giving towards others. But also they show something surprising and amazing, and this is the reason why Luke is truly the greatest Jedi of all. It is because of one thing...


You see, Luke proved without a shadow of doubt that love is the strongest force in existence. Because he showed that the power of the love between a father and son is more powerful than even The Dark Side of The Force.


This is so simple and so plain before our eyes. Anakin showed us this too. His love for his children kept him from ever truly being consumed wholly be The Force and the Dark Side's Power. It is said that no one else ever came back once consumed. Yet he did, because the love never died. And Luke wielded that love in laying down his sword before his father and offering his life.

Of course we are also shown how love can take us to some very dark places, and lead to things, and in particular actions, that are not so good. Since it can also trigger pain, jealousy, and even hatred.

So, in light of his victory over The Dark Side, and the manner in which he achieved it, I give it Luke all the way. Yeah, it's boring compared to evil fancily dressed and fashionable Sith killers. And elegant and masterful older Jedi Generals like Obi-Wan and Windu, yet... I still hold fast to this belief. Hey... love beat them all, eventually. It just took one Jedi strong enough to wield it all the way home. To truly wield the force of love completely. So...


The Greatest Jedi, Truly?  Luke Skywalker, Seed and Son of Anakin Skywalker. The Seed that would bring back balance to The Force, and the Galaxy once again.


Edited by Garo7
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