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Cardfight!! Vanguard G GIRS Crisis


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Second season of Cardfight!! Vanguard G series.
'Cardfight!! Vanguard' The card game with millions of players all over the world, is always thrilling people and nurturing bonds... Chrono Shindou's fate of isolation was greatly changed by his experience with Vanguard through the unknown clan, 'Gear Chronicle'. Shion Kiba holds his head up high in his pursuit of his own possibilities. Tokoha Anjou has accepted herself for who she is, and is forming her own path to the future. The members of Team TRY3 stay strong to the Vanguard they believe in, and head down the path towards maturity together. This autumn will mark the opening of a major event organized by the Federation of International Vanguard Associations, known as the 'G Quest'. Those who conquer the 6 Branch Quests will be honored with the title 'Generation Master', and the chance to become a Clan Leader. The three members of TRY3 are all fired up by the new goal ahead of them, but behind the scenes, a massive plot that would lead to the destruction of Vanguard has been set in motion... What is this 'Plan-G' that Kouji Ibuki is devising to achieve his mission about? What future will Chrono and the rest achieve through their new encounters!? The G Quest will see Legend class fighters such as Toshiki Kai, Ren Suzugamori and Leon Soryu taking part! The fight for a new era begins now!
Edited by Imagine Breaker
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I'm a huge fan of the G series so it was a given I would continue watching the later seasons.  If there are any other fans of the franchise on this forum then I will definitely suggest S2 for them. It began with a fresh start to the plot and to the characters. The new main heroines are so perfect for the new story and I'm loving the refreshed mechanics and cards from the newest episodes. Chrono has changed a lot since his introduction in S1 and I'm really glad that he found a purspose in life and new trials to face. Also, I'm getting really excited about the G Quest, the introduction of the old cast who will most likely play a huge role and impact on the story and the new main threat of this season and I'm glad that the episodes have a balanced pacing. I'm also looking forward to find out the identity of Ace in episode 4 (although I have a couple of theories, but I will leave it as that). Overall, for episodes 1-4 I give: 4/5 (A). Let's keep it that way! :)

Edited by Imagine Breaker
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#01 The G Quest Begins! (3.5/5 - B+)


Chrono Shindou and the rest of Team TRY3 teach a beautiful girl, Yumizuki Luna, how to play Vanguard at Card Capital #2. Just then, a broadcast is made by the Vanguard Promotion Association announcing the start of their big event, the G Quest!

#02 Special Aqua Force (3/5 - B-)


The G Quest finally begins! And the first location Chrono and the rest are challenging is the Magallanica Branch! The special team that appears at the spirited venue consists of none other than his good friend: Jaime, and the man known as the Clan Master, Leon.

#03 Chrono Versus Leon (3.5/5 - B+)


It is the finals of the Magallanica Quest, and the last hurdle is the fight with Special Aqua Force. Leon's specialty is a wave-like surge of relentless attacks, making it hard for Chrono to see any chance for victory.

#04 Ace's Trap (4/5 - A-)


With all his relatives in attendance at his 14th birthday, Shion is recognized as the rightful heir of the Kiba family in a ceremony passed down for generations. But amid the trappings, a great plot is stirring.


Edited by Imagine Breaker
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#05 Rummy Labyrinth (4/5 - A-)


Preparations for the Dragon Empire Quest are moving at a fast pace. Kamui's senior is among the faces that have gathered, while Chrono and his friends deepen their bonds while handling an incident involving Rummy Labyrinth. And the person Shion meets that night is...




On today's episode we got a first glimpse on the relationship between the two idos: Am and Luna. It seems that those two girls represent the complete opposites on their personalities. While Am is cool, calm, and collected despite being a year younger than the main cast (as noted by Chrono himself) Luna is more of a carefree, easy-going and unanxious kind of person leaving all the responsibilities to Am not because she wants to, but because she finds it as a necessity for the well-being of the idol group. Nevertheless, that's what it is on the exterior department. While the episode progresses it becomes more apparent that the relation of the two girls is much deeper, essential and meaningful than it originally seemed. That becomes apparent when Am lost her precious charm, which appears to be a mitten with a side-broken chain (I'm pretty sure it has a meaning that will be unvailed on a later episode when we explore Am's past and character into more analysis), Luna went out of her way, being late on her rehearsal and asking for TRY3's help only to find it. And when she actually does find it, she gets the recognition and appreciation she deserved from Am herself who is shocked (and glad to some point) to see Luna's good will to help the people she cares about. It's a good thing that the comedy of this episode was appointed to Chrono to cheer up the mood of everyone with goofy mistakes and his role as a stand-in on Luna and Am's rehearsal along with Shion.


On another note, I couldn't help but notice Shion's tragic present having a huge affect on him. Although, he tries to hide his feelings and emotions with apparent smiles, it's totally logical for him to feel isolated and without anyone to rely on when everyone is showing pity on him. A well-balanced scene after the ED where Shion (one of the richest teens in Japan-and worldwide-) is standing in a laundry shop texting someone and then kneeling on the ground really gets to you that this kid has literally lost everything (his wealth, his home, his reputation, but most of all his spirit broken) because of a single person. It is interesting to note that Chrono senses his worries and fears when he talks with him and undestands that this is something he must face by himslef for now if he actually wants to move on hence he tells Tokoha to leave him alone cause "that's the kind of thing it is".


And lastly, we get the re-introduction of the old main cast from the past seasons appearing and introducing before Chrono and his friends including Shingo, Naoki, Miwa and of course last, but not least, Kai. The fact that Kai appears on the very last scene of the episode conforting Shion really discriminates what will actually follow on after this. Although, those are only guesses and specualtions and will leave them for later episodes.


Overall, this episode was a well-built up for the characters deepening and developing their bonds and showing some new aspects regarding their personalities and the way they deal with their problems and each other. So a 4/5 - A-. Really hope for the upcoming episodes to focus on Team TRY3's matches with the old cast in an unbiased way, but I doubt that will be the case with Shion getting some extreme characterization turnover. We will have to wait and see.

Edited by Imagine Breaker
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