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(I'm slighly extremely frustrated with how my avatar won't upload from Gravatar. Whatever I'll focus on that later)

It'd be nice if you played this song while reading this intro, I think it makes things more relaxing.


Oh hi. You can all call me Astral.

  • How did you find Kametsu?

Web searching =v =||l
I just typed in "Anime Forum" and found my way here as a small yet active forum board, which is what I like. I don't like huge forum boards with 100+ users daily, it's awkward starting out in those. I've been on other forums though, so I'm not totally new to forums.

  • What do you think of the place so far?

I think it's great. It's not something that's over designed, it's simple and efficient. The community, I have yet to look around enough to get a good guess on that. It's small and active, which is what I like the best about forums.

  • How active are you planning on being?

I have college, kids to look after (not mine, my sister's), a mother to take care of (She had a stroke), a somewhat active social life, and animals to tend. I won't be too active, but I do try and fit in time when I can.

  • What are your top five anime?

You're asking the nigh impossible. But I'll list what first come to mind:

  1. Chobits (Was the first anime I ever watched when I was actually looking for anime)
  2. Spice & Wolf
  3. Clannad / Clannad: After Story
  4. Silver Spoon
  5. Kanon 2006 (Even though I personally think it's just a different version of Clannad due to several references between the two)
  • Top five video games?

Oh, this is a somewhat easier one as I don't game much.

  1. Any Kirby game <3 (Kirby 64 is my favorite though)
  2. Banjo-Kazooie
  3. Reccetear
  4. Pokemon Ruby
  5. Pacman
  • What other hobbies do you have?

Stargazing - I have several pieces of equipment and two very good telescopes for this.

Cooking - Something about seeing others enjoy my cooking and saying that it was good makes me very happy...! ^^

Animals - I'm always doing my best to take care of every animal I can, I'm even going to college to be a Veterinary Technician.

Anime/Manga - I'm sure the rest of you know why this might be a hobby of mine.

Reading - Unrelated to Manga, I do enjoy a good read out of certain fiction books, but mostly nonfiction stories or novels.
Jogging/Cycling - Keeping fit is a great way to relieve stress, as well as it being lots of fun to see the scenery!

These are just ones I can think of from the top of my head. I'm sure there's others that I do regularly that I just can't think of right now.

  • Make any graphics?

Nope, I never have and I doubt I ever will. It would be very nice to do so, however.

  • Do you have any questions for us?

How do I get my Gravatar avatar to work? I have it there for use, and it's showing up as a selectable avatar, but it won't update.


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Welcome to the forums Astral Goddess! (That Chrono Trigger OST sounds soooo good. :x ahah)

That's awesome that you're studying Veterinary Tech! By memory, one of our mods here is also a Veterinary Technician.

I love your list of anime! Spice and Wolf, as well as most KEY anime (Clannad / Clannad After Story / AIR / Kanon) are one of my favorite anime! By the way, are you watching Silver Spoon 2 that's currently airing? :x

And your games are so classic! That's awesome!

I have college, kids to look after (not mine, my sister's), a mother to take care of (She had a stroke), a somewhat active social life, and animals to tend. I won't be too active, but I do try and fit in time when I can.

Are you sure you're not a real life anime character?! Haha, you're pretty amazing to do all that

Again, Welcome to the Forums! Don't forget to read the FAQ and rules. And apart from that, make sure you have fun!

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Hmm. Oh I might as well ask here, are there any uh, roleplay threads that are currently active? I absolutely love roleplaying.

Welcome to these forums even though you joined before me! I would also like to know about a roleplay forum. I haven't actually done it before so I would probably suck at it but I have been wanting to give it a try.

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Hmm. Oh I might as well ask here, are there any uh, roleplay threads that are currently active? I absolutely love roleplaying.

Woops! Didn't see this! (sorry)


We had a few going on a few months ago, but they didn't last too long. (Real life got in the way! damn you real life!) And since the forums had a re-work, and the Roleplay section was inactive, it got removed. That being said, I'm sure you can start up a new RP in the literature section. (I'm not 100% if it would go there, better to ask Koby.) But regardless, I'm sure we can start a new one if people are interested. C:

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I have college, kids to look after (not mine, my sister's), a mother to take care of (She had a stroke), a somewhat active social life, and animals to tend. I won't be too active, but I do try and fit in time when I can.

Are you sure you're not a real life anime character?! Haha, you're pretty amazing to do all that

It's not quite as bad as you think. My sister's kids are well mannered and behave quite well for their age, she's raised them well and I do a good job looking after them.

My mom had a stroke but she can still do simple things around the house, I just have to cook for her, give her baths, and make sure she's good in bed.

"Somewhat active" social life is debatable since, even though I'm in college, I'm far too classy/nerdy to go to college parties. My awesome time is playing N64 games or watching anime or, classically enough, going out to the mall. I usually go to the library when I'm there to see if any new books are in.

Animals I have to tend usually only in the mornings and late evenings, just usually giving them fresh food and water and occasionally cleaning the coops & stables on the weekends.

Edited by Astral_Goddess
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