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Hello, I was one of the accounts lost with the system crash. Silly technology. I remade my account and have been cruising the forums and I just realized I did not re-introduce myself. My bad.

How did you find Kametsu?

I found it via a different forum.

Whats your top 5 Anime?

The oldies but goodies Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, Full metal alchemist, currently kekkaishi (for now :))

What your top 5 Video Games?

Final Fantasy, Baldurs Gates, Shards of Dalaya, Diablo, Dynasty Warriors

What are some of your hobbies?

I read alot. I love to play with kids, kitties and puppies (I'm a kid at heart). I was fortuitous enough in my old job to be paid to play with kids. Video games, anime, and any good tv shows I can squeeze in when not at work or school.

Do you do graphics? If so what graphic programs do you have?

I love seeing yours. But I personally don't have a creative bone in my body :)

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I'm sure you're creative in some way. Most people are, haha.

Welcome back to the forum! I also love tiny versions of larger creatures--kids have the weirdest things to say. I was volunteering at an Easter Egg hunt and one of the kids there was talking about having a cat food eating contest and musing on whether it was technically legal for the contestants to eat fish intended for human consumption. He didn't use those exact words, but you get the gist of it, haha.

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Thanks guys I've already enjoyed myself to date. :)

Hello, and welcome to kametsu. hope you enjoy your stay here.

be sure to read Forum Rules & Guidelines, What is Spam?, Kametsu FAQ. again :)

I know I was previously not exactly using proper grammar. My bad. I'm now wondering however if I did something wrong in this post.

I'm sure you're creative in some way. Most people are, haha.

Welcome back to the forum! I also love tiny versions of larger creatures--kids have the weirdest things to say. I was volunteering at an Easter Egg hunt and one of the kids there was talking about having a cat food eating contest and musing on whether it was technically legal for the contestants to eat fish intended for human consumption. He didn't use those exact words, but you get the gist of it, haha.

Lol, yes little people say the weirdest things. I love hearing about such stories and also have a million. I feel he should be a lawyer.

I guess I should edit my statement to say I don't really have an artistic bone in my body. I can't even draw a straight line with a ruler. True story.

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Yeah, artistic talent eludes me as well. Of course, I did drop out of art in high school, so I don't really have anyone to blame but myself it's obviously society's fault. I just don't have the patience for it. I just want to be born talented!

/nod Don't we all? I have a brain leadership/subordinate problem. My brain tells my hand to do something and the hand doesn't listen! When it does listen it does a poor job.

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