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How did you find Kametsu?

- Searched naruto english dubbed in google and this place came up. Glad I found it.

Whats your top 5 Anime?

- Yu yu hakusho

- Dragon ball

- Dragon ball Z

- High school of the dead

- .hack series

What your top 5 Video Games?

- Call of duty mw3

- Elder scrolls: Skyrim

- Borderlands

- Fallout (all)

- Minecraft

What are some of your hobbies?

- I'm studying to be a web developer so this is my favorite thing to do.

- Watch anime

- Play the games above

Do you do graphics? If so what graphic programs do you have?

Well sometimes I have to make gfx for the websites I create and when I do I uses photoshop.

Do you have any questions?

I'll ask questions as I find them.

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