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Any Dreamers here? Anyone reading Robert Moss?


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Well I logged in yesterday and the forum is telling me I should post and be a contributing members. Problem is I really don't have a lot to talk about. But I saw this forums and how we could discuss books, so I figured why not.

I'm a Dreamer. And a Christian. A really, really open-minded Christian. I've been reading Robert Moss's, "The Three Only Things" and loving it. I have another by Rosemary Guiley (hope I spelled that right) and Charles McPhee. All covering the realm of dreaming and Lucid Dreaming in particular. I don't have anyone around here I can talk to about these things. I am thinking about starting a group to see of anyone in my area is interested in any of this. I mentioned some of it to my best friend and didn't get anything resembling an enthusiastic response. So maybe there's a few folks - or at least one person - here who's a dreamer. Come in and post. We share a common interest.

I've had 5 Lucid Dreams so far since I learned about them in Mark McEllroy's book, "The Beginner's Guide To Lucid Dreaming." I can only remember 4 of them, and will only talk about one of those. I have some issues I'm working out in my life. I've been studying brain plasticity - the science behind building up your brain and generating neuropeptides (is that the right word). I've also been working on my improper anger outbursts (I'm at a very frustrating point in my life right now) using mental movies as I learned in "The New Pshyco Cybernetics", now run by Matt Furey who's also the guy that helped me, through his Bodyweight exercise book and training videos, begin exercising (a nod to Moss's idea that "Life Rymes" here). Dropped 40+ pounds and a few jean sizes in the last six months. So that's a little about me.

OK well I guess I'll see who posts a response...

- Deathbliss

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I became interested in lucid dreaming after reading 'You must be joking Mr. Feynman' in which Feynman describes some episodes of lucid dreaming.

Do you recommend any books on how to achieve lucid dreaming?

I very rarely have any dreams I remember, the only time I do is if I have a nightmare maybe once a month. I guess I have a good sleep cycle! I think wake initiated lucid dreams would be better for me.

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To help you remember your dreams is very simple. Keep a written (notebook, personalized by you) or audio (voice recorder, personalize the box you store it in) dream journal. The moment you wake up record any details you have of your dreams, even if they are only fragments. Because of the way your mind recalls your dreams often a tiny detail is like picking up the end of a piece of string. If you follow it back to its source you'll soon find you have the weave of the entire tale of a dream, or a series of dreams.

When you start keeping a record of your dreams two things happen. First you begin to tell your mind that dreams are important to you, so you might start out remembering only bits and pieces but soon you will remember much more. Secondly a Dream Journal kept by your bed serves as a Dream Token, to help you remember whatever goals for your dream time you have set. Be sure to notice any Dream Cues, common places, people or things you regularly see in your dreams.

There are three good texts I know of so far:

Mark McElroy, "Lucid Dreaming for Beginners"



- This is the most readable of the three and I highly recommend it. Be forwarned the writer is gay and talks about his partner - nothing offensive though.

Charles McPhee, "Stop Sleeping Through your Dreams"


- This book has a LOT of history on dreaming to start with, and is a little less readable than McEllroy's

Stephen LaBerge, "A Concise Guide To Lucid Dreaming"



- This book is a lot harder to read than the others. It approaches Lucid Dreams from more of a clinical and scientific approach.

Robert Moss also has one, "Conscious Dreaming", but I have not read this yet.



- Moss's work is very readable and written with a great sense of humor but be sure to keep a dictionary on hand. Be forewarned he's deeply into I Ching, Shamanism and other such things.

Nightmares are most likely the result of unresolved issues you have to deal with. Welcome them as a Dream Cue to tell yourself that, "I am dreaming" then face the nightmare, whatever it is. You can even ask it, whether it be an animal, human, or a structure, who it is, followed by what it represents. Do not be confrontational and demanding. Simply ask and let it tell you. Then when you wake up write down what it said and act accordingly.

As a Christian I also believe some nightmare's are demonic attacks. My best friend who believes in God but not satan says they are a sort of psychic attack from someone else in the house. In either case if you are a Christian you can ask God for protection. I imagine you could do the same thing if you're praying to Buddha or some other entity.


Repeating dreams are also called recurring dreams, and usually are in reference to a nightmare, although I imagine it can be something else. Treat it like a nightmare. When the dream recurs tell yourself, "I am Dreaming" to gain Lucidity within it. If the dream begins to destabilize because you are too excited (this can happen immediately after you first gain Lucidity or sometime later when you realize that," Hey! I'm awake in my dreams!") simply spin around in place. Now ask the people, animals, or even structures in the dream - the main features of the this recurring dream - who they are or what they represent. They will tell you. Write down whatever they have said (keep a Dream Journal by your bed, either a written or audio one.) This could be anything in your case, from an unresolved issue to a message concerning your future. Do not disregard it! Remember it and act accordingly.

For those interested here is Moss's site:


Hope this information helps!

- Deathbliss

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