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gurren lagan "who the hell do you think i am?"

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i just finished wathcing this serie, & it was amazing.

it's was a lot like nadesico and also slayers. i love both slayers and nadesico because i like scifi and magic, which is why escaflowne is also my favorite.

but after finished watching gurren lagan i was hunger for more hot blooded passion anime. please don't recommend evangelion, i like that show but i am not in the mood for that. and please not gekki gangar or gundam god (seen them).

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There isn't really any show that matches the epicness of Gurren Lagann really, not a single show I've watched since then ever came close to matching it, I'd normally just re watch the entire thing due to not finding anything else like it. But some you could check out which involves some similar hot bloodedness are, Fairy Tail, One piece(Yes I'm serious), Chrono Crusade and the ongoing Stein's Gate, though that focuses less on epic fights and mostly on some badass mad scientist moments.

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I'd recommend that you stick with Gainax's offerings, as there isn't anything quite like what they make. ;)Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt is the latest, but to be honest that show makes Gurren Lagann look tame, and it tries to gross you out as much as it tries to make you laugh.

If you're looking for other insane and funny shows, there's also Excel Saga. Not Gainax, but still plenty entertaining.

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If you liked series with a touch of madness like Gurren, then I'd suggest Eureka 7, it maybe a bit slower, and more controlled but it is a very good series and pretty epic scenes do ensue often. It's also still pretty light mooded.

Other than that, stick with Gainax, like hicks said, as they do crazy like nobody else...

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