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My names Blaze, but I guess that was pretty obvious,lol. Uhhh? Likes and dislikes, well for starters I should be forthright and say I'm not a very sociable person, but I'm not hateful to people either. I love gaming and all types of cartoons. Then I found anime OMG! Anime takes the imagination to a whole new level. The art is awesome and the story lines are great. I only wish that they would produce more anime in English dub, I feel I'm missing a lot of the show trying to keep up with the reading,lol. For me the better the graphics the more I like it. Ok, I'm 38 so I've been playing games since they first came out, and still playing them. The systems they have out now keep improving so much that I cant even look back anymore. Anything not up to date graphics wise just doesn't interest me. Well I figure that your prolly gettin bored with me by now so nice ta meet ya and have a nice day,lol.

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