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My names Mat, few people might know me, few people might no, if ya dont, well get to know me lol

I use CS3 n i hav Fireworks but am still clueless on how to use it lol

Ive always bin interested in art, did it all through school and always got top marks. Im more better with my hands than i am reading books. IT, ART, GRAPHICS, WOOD WORK, DRAMA, CARTOONING, were always my classes that i excelled in, OH and COOKING, did that 3years in a row. Having Only Used PS for about 8Months my creations have come so far! I was once the person lookin on people sigs and sayin "omg, just HOW do they do it" and now Im producing 2-4 sigs a week. Im a Former Qualified Bread Baker, 5yrs. Im also a Dj, First started off Producing Techno Music, and now Progressed to Dj'ing i Dj on INTERNET STREAMING aswell, so ill spam ya my link to tune in if ya want. I think you've read enough about me lol

Im from Australia, n i do graphic work for GNWebdesigns.

Fibertek@clubbinheaven.net add away im always lookin for designers to chat with, and hey one day i might need ur help, or i may be able to help you.

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