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Emotional Outlet

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Because it was off-topic. I will copypaste. I'm not interested in the debate, but others might be.


The Welsh Paddy:

Christmas is a Christian thing, so I don't see why they'd be offended by it. Not that any religion should be offended by it at all. If I had any power of the whole thing, I'd warn any Jews, Hindu's, Buddah's or what have you that if they don't stop force their religion on us, then they can fuck right out of the country. I find it pathetic our governments have allowed immigrants to move in, take all our jobs, and then next thing you know you have freakin' mosques and whatnot built everywhere!


Emotional Outlet:

"If I had any power of the whole thing, I'd warn any Jews, Hindu's, Buddah's or what have you that if they don't stop force their religion on us, then they can fuck right out of the country. I find it pathetic our governments have allowed immigrants to move in, take all our jobs, and then next thing you know you have freakin' mosques and whatnot built everywhere!"

What the feezy? Pathetic that immigrants are allowed to come in the country? What do you call it when you move to Canada or any other country? It's all immigration. As for the jobs thing, different debate, but nothing's stopping you from becoming qualified for a job. Unless the immigrants are, like, beating you up or something and threatening your life if you ever apply for a job. Immigrants around here tend to get the manual labour jobs anyway and they get paid less to do that more physical work. Any other person would be demanding more money for such a terrible job. I think most people can aim a little higher than McDonald's.



Also, you seem like a hypocrite. You want to move to Canada, yet you have an anti-immigration attitude? Particularly in the big cities, you're going to have to have to deal with major cultural diversity. In rural areas, it's mostly conservative Christians.


The Welsh Paddy:

Not an anti-immigration attitude. I'm just against those who move in to other countries and try forcing their religion on us. If I was to move to another country, I wouldn't expect to have higher privileges than those who were born and raised there. In my country, for example, we got loads of foreign workers, whereas many of us can't get a job.

"As for the jobs thing, different debate, but nothing's stopping you from becoming qualified for a job. Unless the immigrants are, like, beating you up or something and threatening your life if you ever apply for a job."

Apart from the government wanting them settled in quickly, with homes and jobs.



Actually there is alot more to that, I used to landscape with my neighbor, he became a landscaper because he lost his job in construction because the contractor employeed illegal immigrants that would work for 2$ a hour, minimum wage here is $6.50, and you can not live or support a family on 2$ he lost his job along with the other legal citizens because the illegal immigrants would work for nothing, the immigrants do not pay taxes and give our area a bad crime rate (my dad is a police officer, ive seen the reports) tax paying citizens are loosing their jobs, health care is dropping badly and the well being of our area has been shot down over the past few years.

Im not against immigration, legal immigrants are required to pay taxes and live out their lives fairly. I am against illegal immigration though, nothing illiegal supports our society. they do not care for their enviornment or the citizens in it because they arent paying to live there like legal citizens.


Emotional Outlet:

What is stopping anyone from starting a thread on the immigration topic? Mod needs to swoop by and split the thread or something.

Not all illegal immigrants are evil people. Some of them do pull their weight in society as much as they can, even if they are undocumented.

I'm not saying I love the idea of people living wherever and bypassing all the hoops they have to jump through to be a citizen, but not all of them who do arrive illegally are simply only drains on society, here to make tax-free profit or murder people. Some are trying to make a better living for themselves and/or their families--wish they'd attempt to come in legally instead of sneaking in, but wish in one hand and shit in the other. I don't condone it, but I understand the desperation some of them go through.

Yes, it's illegal; yes, it's a crime; yes, countries cannot absorb every single person who wants to live there and will have to refuse some immigrants; but yes, some of them are providing cheap labour and doing work that most other people don't want to do.

"nothing illiegal supports our society"

What about civil disobedience? Rosa Parks refusing to move from the front of the bus to the back? That was illegal...


Alright, go knock yourselves out. (Not literally.) If you respond to what I say, I might not respond, so don't spend a lot of time and effort telling me I'm full of shit because I know that already.

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Ya, but too much mass immigration and you lose stability of the US. I'm for it, just has to be done properly. Take anyone, you'll have to pay for it. Like in germany, some turkish groups goto germany, pay no taxes, but yet get the money for their kids from the government. Point being is if you wanna donate all your money sora to sponsor all of these events (including a buildup of schools, homes, stater job, english as a second language class), i'm all for it : p

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