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Introducing; Me!


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Hi everyone. As you can probably tell, I'm new so I'm dropping a thread here to introduce myself.


I'm a gamer who enjoys most games from retro platformers through to modern shooters, on handhelds, consoles, PC, whatever :) Apart from games, I love rock music and the occasional bit of electronic/house/dubstep/whatever-the-kids-are-calling-it-these-days too. To get the best of both, I often listen to video game soundtracks (and am getting a little bit of a video game vinyl collection going).


As for anime (which is pretty much why we're all here), I've got a big list of stuff that I need to get around to watching. My go-to favourite is Hellsing Ultimate and a few other older anime but I'm keen to discover some new stuff too.


I'm not the most chatty person but I like to think I'm approachable, so say hi.


Thanks for having me and I'll see you in the forums!

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