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Behind the Name Bloodalia


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Hello I am Bloodalia, this name is based off of a character that I created for a story I was writing back when I was 13 and has been my username for just about everything related to game sites, game characters, anime sites or manga sites that require registration. There really isn't much meaning behind the name, for the most part. I came up with it for the way it sounds when put with the other three names that make up the characters full name which is Evalia Angelic Bloodalia Rose. The character was given this name because she is a daemonic angel, half daemon/angel and at the time I thought it was the perfect name for the character I had created. The name full name is supposed to stand for Evil Angel's Bloodborn Rose, which signifies the union between blood that contains both daemon and angel traits which is a taboo since technically both angels and daemons are sworn enemies. Anyway since the creation of the name I found that when trying to come up with a username it is either already taken or the name I want to use it to long and that is when I started using Bloodalia which sounded nice in the way it roles off the tongue. And from then on I have been using this name as my username, a name of my own creation and that no one else uses, and this is what my username comes from. Again hello and I am Bloodalia it is nice to meet all of you!

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