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Greetings Everyone!


Brayniboy here. Been watching anime since I was a kid (just for everyone's information, I'm already more than 30 yo). Joining this community to access a lot more High Quality anime and discuss anime topics.


Hope we all get along together.


  • How did you find Kametsu?
  • As usual, browsing for high quality anime and found this forum thru google.


  • What do you think of the place so far?
  • Looks like a good place for people who like anime. I've been to a lot of other forums for anime before, some have gone, some are still alive. Always good to find a community who shares the same interest.


  • How active are you planning on being?
    • I have regular work so might not be able to lounge here a lot. But will visit on a regular basis to check on updates or new releases.

  • What are your top five anime?

It's always changing, but these are the ones I would always rewatch:

  1. Suzumiya Haruhi
  2. Code Geass
  3. Fate/Stay night franchise (Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, UBW)
  4. Toradora
  5. the whole monogatari anime series (Bakemono, Nekomono, Nisemono, Monogatari S2, etc)
  • Top five video games?
  1. Metal Gear
  2. Metal Gear
  3. Metal Gear
  4. Metal Gear
  5. Metal Gear :)
  • What other hobbies do you have?
    • Running and Swimming

  • Make any graphics?
    • Nope

  • Do you have any questions for us?
    • I'll ask when I do...

Edited by brayniboy
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