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Sup yall.


Just signed up mainly so I can check for any release info on encoders, anime that may be coming up, and manga. I'm willing to discuss anime and manga, and plan on dropping by and browsing threads every now and then. However, I don't consider myself a hardcore fan of anime. 


I found out about this forum in a post on a torrent site, and was meaning to download some files, so I can help seed on a semi-private tracker once the torrent gets offered.


Can't really say that much about the forums since this is my first time here.


As for anime, my top five favorites are Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, One Piece, Berserk, and I guess Bleach (there's no specific order after DBZ). This may change over time as I watch more anime, but DBZ will always remain my favorite anime.


My top five video games are God of War III, Uncharted 2, KIllzone 2, Final Fantasy XI, and Chrono Cross. These may change during the course of this generation after I get myself a PS4, and become more of an open-minded gamer by trying out genres I didn't delve too deep into in the past. 


Other than gaming, anime, and manga I don't really have that many hobbies, but I guess I can throw in learning about computer hardware, and how to properly build water cooled systems. Actually I have a fascination with technology in general.


At this time I don't really have any suggestions for the staff of this forum, but maybe more options for changing this forum's theme would be appreciated by some members (personally I like the all black theme). 


I'm a 24 (soon to be 25) African-American young male that has been watching anime ever since I was 5 years old (DBZ and Sailor Moon were my first two). I have to give credit to my older sister for getting me into anime in the first place, and I returned the favor by downloading a lot more for us to watch. 


If you read all of that, then thanks and I appreciate it. Will be looking forward to some discussions if I have the time. 

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