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Hello all

I'm Gero50, pr Gero whichever you like better. I've been called both. I just joined this site today after browsing it for a few days. So I figured why not. I've been looking for a good forum to hang at for a while anyway.

I am a writer, and artist, and am hoping to share lots of my work here in the future. I am all but addicted to fan fiction at this point.

I'm also a roleplayer, and hope to find a good RP soon.

I'm hoping to meet lots of cool anime fans, and make some new friends. :)

I look most forward to my time here.

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How sad... a perfectly beautiful intro thread with no replies on it yet. Hello GeroGero! Lets take you through the first steps of getting to know you :3. What's your top 5 anime? Do you like your anime subbed or dubbed? Do you have irc? If not, I suggest you get it since that's a good dl source atm. What genre(s) of anime do you like? Do you also read manga or play visual novels? What else do you like that's not anime related?

Btw, all your answers go into a secret file that we keep to later stalk you and issue you random assignments like hop on 1 leg while patting your tummy and rubbing your head.

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How sad... a perfectly beautiful intro thread with no replies on it yet. Hello GeroGero! Lets take you through the first steps of getting to know you :3. What's your top 5 anime? Do you like your anime subbed or dubbed? Do you have irc? If not, I suggest you get it since that's a good dl source atm. What genre(s) of anime do you like? Do you also read manga or play visual novels? What else do you like that's not anime related?

Btw, all your answers go into a secret file that we keep to later stalk you and issue you random assignments like hop on 1 leg while patting your tummy and rubbing your head.

Thanks for the welcome. I like watching anime subbed its the real thing plus its helping me at least stay familiar with Japanese. I like a lot of genre(s) Shoen, and Shojo, and many more. I read manga every day, and have a fairly large collection. I like a few western animations, and comics. Batman, Spider Man etc. Also Avatar the Last Air Bender.

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