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So, who plays good Dungeons and Dragons? (If you claim you are a huge fan of RPG games, then you probably should have played in the past, or should still currently play, THE original RPG).

I've been playing since, oh what is it... 4 years this past summer. It is still as amazing a game as ever. Now with D&D's 4th edition, it is better then it has ever been! I have been having trouble lately getting sessions set up, due to my normal players all having completely different schedules and whatnot. (In the case of one player, he hates playing it, but will play to be part of the crowd, and will essentially sit there and do no RPing, and just hang out, which is fine, but annoying at the same time, haha).

Maybe share some old stories that you remember to this day about amazing wins, or amazing failures. Maybe a group failed so hard, that it was actually cool?

Heres a great one; My friend Dale is playing with a group of his friends back in the day (Before I ever played) and their group stops in a town to get gear, and to rest for a day or two. While there, they stay at the town's only inn, well, Dale's character, a 4th level wizard, gets in an argument with the bouncers, who are also town guards. After arguing for sometime, the bouncer/guards get fed up and basically kidnap him. They beat him up a little in a room at the inn, and they end up raping him (they are minotaur by the way), well, after his character has been literally raped, and it beaten badly, he is able to manage to crawl away. Once outside of the inn, he runs into one of his teammates, he explains what happened. As he does so, the bouncers/guards/rapists come out of the inn, they quickly see him, and begin to head towards him and his teammate. His teammate decides on something, and makes a called shot, "I am going to take my grappling hook and use it to tear out the left one's ribcage with it." He rolls his D20, and it is a success, he runs forward, lodges one of the spikes of the grappling hook into the Minotaur's ribcage, loops it around a rib, and it is now around the rib, with an extremely powerful yank of the rope (the teammate was a barbarian i might add) he pulls the ribcage out. The enemy falls dead, and it's ally slowly backs away before running. (He is later found and killed by Dale, which I believe landed Dale in prison, from which they broke him out of, ect...).

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Well, it isn't hard to get the materials, Limewire is the answer for those of us who do not have a large enough income to get all the books at once. Players though, if you don't know any first hand, one would have to go online and look for people nearby that play, or that have a web cam and wanna play an Instant Massager web cam session.

Heres a short one, but just exudes the player's ability to fail so hard, it is entertaining to have him along on adventures.

So, I am running a campaign, it is called Azure Vale, it is a horror adventure. Well, a lot of freaky things have been happening throughout the campaign, and all of the players are very careful and are avoiding taking risks. They even refuse to go near wells after they were walking, and saw a well, some enemies were around it, that had noticed them, and as the enemies went to attack, a giant tentacle came out of the well and started killing all of the monsters. Anyway, all of them are cautious after quite a few close calls and strange happenings, except one, Andrew. He had been causing a lot of strife for the PCs, but it often ended up just making the horror in the adventure stand out even more. They moved down into a crypt, they had been lucky enough to get the location of what they seek from the local vampires, all of which had already fed and were full. While they are down there, Andrew, seems to want to spring every trap, and in some cases, nearly get himself killed by springing secondary mechanics of my traps. At one point a monster blocks their path, simply standing there pointing the way they had come, the creature (a Curst, he can be found in the 3.5 forgotten realm player's hand book, or forgotten realm campaign book) is immortal, unless the curse on it is lifted. None in the party can do this, but two of the members are able to quickly identify it and give the warning. Andrew charges it, critically hits it, and when it doesn't die or seem hurt, he attacks again. After a few more attacks, the Curst speaks, "Go back, there is nothing for you here." Andrew spits at him and throws off a few insults before the party decides to explore a hallway they hadn't traveled down yet. The hallway went up along the hallway with the Curst, and halfway up, they find a secret door that opens into the Curst's hallway, behind it. As they enter from behind him, the Curst looks back for a short time, then walks away. The party continues on, they pass a n antechamber, in which is a huge number of rusty looking weapons, in the back of the room is a corpse with a glinting crown on, Andrew rushes in, in his ever astounding carelessness, and the weapons come to life. They are now out numbered, literally, 50 to 1 (there are 4 party members). Andrew, after a bit of yelling between members, decides to run, the wizard, played by me, blasts the the entrance to the room closed. Moving quickly now, the PCs continue forward, wanting to leave the catacombs, and wanting to put distance between those weapons and themselves. After a bit of walking, they enter a huge chamber, 300x300x100 feet. In the center of the room is a square set of steps, at the top of the stairs is a slab, with a body on it. It looks to be the tomb of some hero, and as the PCs read words that ring the slab, they find that it was a hero. Zach, the group's fighter, takes hold of the sword and looks it over, after a bit he places it back. Andrew, however, begins trying to steal the armor (Red Dragon Scale Armor), the corpse springs to life, and it turns out he was probably the one who got those scales from a dragon, because the corpse begins to destroy the support pillars from where it stood, with blasts of energy from the sword. A large number of Curst drop down from the ceiling, and begin trying to wrestle the body down, so it cause no more harm, but they are beaten off. Well, the wrap the story up, the party ran, and Andrew plotted returning to retrieve the armor and sword if they lived through finding the artifact that they were looking for. Also, the corpse managed to destroy the pillars, and the huge room caved in.

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  • 1 month later...

i am SOOOOOO glad i missed the Azure Vale from the horror stories i heard . . . my gripe is 4th edition i think i ve finally found my main gripe with it... i think there are more checks... and dice hate me . . . you cant argue that fact. my dice roll average comes up drastically lower than everyone elses average... GODS WHY DO THE DICE HATE ME!?

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