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A Curious String of Events (working title)

Nero D. Ace

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Chapter 1 : The Intro


The alarm's gone off pretty loud today. Indy thought as he awoke drowsily, grabbing the alarm clock from his bedside table.

It took his eyes a while to adjust, because of the CRAZY party last night but they widened in shock as he saw the time.

7:00 AM!!!!!!

Damn Damn Damn.

School was about to start in an hour and he was just waking up.

Mae is gonna kill me today, he groaned as he got up and hurriedly wore his uniform.

Shirt : check

Tie : check

Blazer : check

he was just about to step out when he noticed : PANTS!!!!!!!


15 minutes later, he arrived in front of Kametsu High School, and Talena Mae standing in front of it looking very pissed.

“You're late,” she said and Indy could swear that the air above her head was steam. “AND THOSE PANTS AREN'T SCHOOL REGULATION!!!”

“Heh heh, well i had a little 'accident' with them last night so...”

Mae was no longer listening. She had taken out her hammer and had thrown it wih all her might at Indy.

“ACCKKKK!!!”, Indy yelled and ducked out of the way.

It was at that moment that Random decided to make an entrance, bad timing as always.

“Hi guys, what's going o ...”


The hammer struck Random right in the stomach.

“What was ... that ... for?”, he said weakly before falling.

“She did it.”, Indy said, pointing at Mae.

Mae chose the appropriate time to disappear.

“Come on pal,” Indy said. “Let's take you to the hospital wing.”


if anyone else wishes to add their names, it's all right as i'm still working on the story :D

P.S. random. dont worry. thats the least of what could have happened. ;)

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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Chapter 2 : The Incident

“Tell it to me straight doc” Random said. “How long have I left?”

Empathy removed the stethoscope and sighed. “I told you, knucklehead. You're gonna be fine. You may not have kids but ...”

“WHAT!!!!!!!!!”, Random screamed.

“She's just kidding, random.”, Indy said.

They left the hospital wing and headed towards the first class of the day, Advanced Literature. There they met up with Nellawin.

“How's it going, Nella.” Random piped. “You finished that manga you were writing yet?”

Nella laughed. “Not yet, i'm afraid. I'm still working on it but I got the cover page ready.”

“And it'll make a fine addition to our manga club,” said Shade, suddenly appearing behind Indy.

“ACCKKKKK!”, Indy jumped back and crashed into the desks.

“Stop appearing out of no-where like that, dude.”, he said as he brushed the dust off his clothes.


“Well, the class is starting. We should get in.”, spoke Random wearily. He hated Advanced Literature. All Shakespeare and stuff. Went right over their heads. It didn't stop the teachers though.


6 painfully boring hours later :-


“It's finally over!”, Indy said, heaving a sigh of relief. “I thought the day would never end.”

“Hey Indy”, said Random. “Race you to the arcade.”

Indy laughed. “I'll just beat your ass in Tekken 6 AGAIN.”

Indy moved out of the main school building.


His thoughts were elsewhere. He was thinking about getting new tyres for his bike.

That's why he didn't notice it.

“INDY!!! ABOVE YOU!!!!!!”, Nella shouted behind him.

Indy looked up and saw a flower-pot come crashing into his skull.

The pot broke into pieces and one of them skewered his skull, implanting itself in his brain.

For 5 minutes, Indy writhed in agony. The most painful 5 minutes of his life.

Then, he fell silent ... dead.

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Chapter 3 : Death

Indy woke up.

That is ... if woke up is the correct term.

Indy felt light, as if he had shed most of his weight. He felt no drowsiness, no hunger, nothing.

Indy looked around. He was in complete darkness. He couldn't see anything for miles.

Then, he thought as he moved his hand to his eyes. How can I see myself? Where's the source of light?

He got up. He was still wearing his school uniform.

Well, at least i'm dead with a sense of dignity and not naked.

And then he realized ...

I'M DEAD!!!!!!!!!!



“How can you kill someone when you're dead?”, said an amused voice behind Indy.

Indy almost jumped out of his pants.

“HOLY ... who's there? Is that you, Shade? Are you dead, too?”

“I'd rather not show myself. You might get frightened.”, the voice said.

Indy tried to place the accent. It was british, so it wasn't Shade.

“Who are you, death or a soul reaper or something?”

The voice replied after several moments. “I'm YOUR death and i'm waiting for you to hurry up so we can leave.”

Indy thought about that.

MY death. Some one made a separate reservation for MY death. How flattering.

“I don't suppose you'd ...”, Indy began.

“Let you off the hook?”, the voice said, rather bored. “No.”

Well, he's pretty straightforward.

“So ...” said Indy “What exactly are you waiting for? Aren't you gonna chop my head off or something?”

“Now that you mention it, i need to check the manual.”

Manual? These death guys are pretty damn organized.

Indy heard the flipping of pages behind him, but didn't turn.

If i turn, I'm toast. Might as well prolong the inevitable.

After a few moments, the voice spoke again. “Ah! Here it is. Eh?”, the voice sounded confused. “ well ... color me surprised. It seems I can't take you until your light fades away. Bollocks!”


“You're not very good at this, are you”, Indy spoke quietly.

“Not good at this?”, the voice sounded annoyed. “Allow me to inform you that i graduated top of my class back in '92. 'Destined For Greatness', that was on my yearbook and ...”

In a flash, Indy turned around and screamed at the thing he was looking at .......

....... in laughter.

HAHAHAHA! This is my death?

“You're a hamster!”, Indy laughed uncontrollably.

The hamster became more annoyed. “Actually, i am from a rare species which you humans will never hear of because of your ...”

The hamster never completed his sentence. Indy had jumped on the man-beast and had started punching and kicking with everything he had.

He fought like he had fought in the school brawls before transferring to Kametsu High School, showing no mercy, hitting with uncontrollable anger and rage, his teeth gritted.

Try to take me, eh? You lousy f****** rodent!

By the time he had finished, the being was unconscious, it's face an utter mess, filled with blood and bones creeping out of everywhere.

Chances were ... death was dead.

Indy laid back, exhausted from the effort.

I suddenly feel as if i've lost all my strength. A little sleep won't hurt.

And with that thought, he closed his eyes ...

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Chapter 4 : Reincarnation?


The alarm's gone off pretty loud today. Indy thought as he awoke drowsily, grabbing the alarm clock from his bedside table.

It took his eyes a while to adjust, because of the CRAZY party last night but they widened in shock as he saw the time.

7:00 AM!!!!!!

Damn Damn Damn.

School was about to start in an hour and he was just waking up.

Mae is gonna kill me today, he groaned as he got up and hurriedly wore his uniform.

Shirt : check

Tie : check

Blazer : check

he was just about to step out when he noticed : PANTS!!!!!!!

Hold on a second, he thought as he put on his second pair of pants. Why do I feel like i've done this before? Deja Vu? Whatever.


20 minutes later, he arrived in front of Kametsu High School. Mae was waiting there for him, to be expected, along with .... KOBY!

Indy groaned. He was in for a serious lecture.


It was at that point that Indy had a storm of memories come to him.

Now she's gonna throw her hammer at me, but it'll hit Random instead.

Sure enough, she had taken out her hammer and thrown it with all her might.

“Oooof!”, Indy gasped as the hammer hit HIM in the stomach.

WTF! This isn't supposed to happen!!!

“Mae”, Koby said sternly. “You can't go around hitting people with a hammer all day. As for you, Indy” he looked at Indy. “You have some explaining to do. Tell me about it in the gym today. Classes are about to start.”

And with that, they left. Leaving Indy wondering what the hell was going on.


Indy sat in the Advanced Literature class, thinking about what was happening. He knew most of the stuff that was going to happen but more importantly, he shuddered. I know i'm gonna die today. But, it's just a crazy dream, right?

All throughout the day, Indy remained skeptical.

So, finally during the Lunch break, he decided to go to the balcony and see the flower-pots for himself.

The garden was always open for display, so it wasn't hard for him to enter.

What Indy saw froze his blood. There sitting near the edge, close to almost falling was the flower-pot from his vision.


without thinking, he moved the flower-pot and put it on the garden floor.

Stupid gardener! It's because HE put it so close to the edge that i died.

What am i saying? I'm not dead. AHHHH. My head is hurting.


6 painfully boring hours later :-


“It's finally over!”, Indy said, heaving a sigh of relief. “I thought the day would never end.”

“Hey Indy”, said Random. “Race you to the arcade.”

Indy laughed. “I'll just beat your ass in Tekken 6 AGAIN.”

Indy moved out of the main school building.


It was at that point that he realized something. It was something so basic, so simple. How could he have not thought of it before?

Flower pots don't fall on their own. Someone pushes them off.

He looked up and saw a figure. He couldn't tell who it was because the sunlight was in his eyes. He saw the figure lift a flower-pot and ...


it was too late. The flower-pot came crashing down on his head, skewering his skull and Indy felt intense, furious pain for the second time in his life ... or second life.

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