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If you could kill off one anime character from any show who would it be


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I would kill off Brooks from One Piece, even though he is technically already dead.


I feel his whole existence is repetitive, obnoxious, and completly filler. All he does is sing, or ask to see your panties.


Every time they show his character sing I cringe in disgust. For Christ sakes if I wanted to go watch a musical then I would.


Whoever came up with the concept for Brooks should be castrated.



Edited by Freeman-AP
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Ichigo Kurosaji from Bleach. He has escaped death way too many times and somehow defeated opponenets (all of whome were VERY much stronger than him ) such as No.6 and 4 Espada. Also the fact that he makes everyone business his business and wants be everyone's hero just fucking irritates me so goddamnm much. 

Edited by Kyle_Dimetri
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I would take out any character with boobs greater then b cup.

You've committed mass genocide.

In my case, I wouldn't want my character dead, I would like to choose when he died.

I want motherfucking Slaine dead from Aldnoah Zero. I haven't been frustrated with a character was Kirino from Oreimo, but this is significantly worse. 


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Ichigo Kurosaji from Bleach. He has escaped death way too many times and somehow defeated opponenets (all of whome were VERY much stronger than him ) such as No.6 and 4 Espada. Also the fact that he makes everyone business his business and wants be everyone's hero just fucking irritates me so goddamnm much. 

I totally understand your feeling since I've been re-watching Bleach (skipping all the fillers). He's a shitty emo freak, an immature brat. I thought Naruto was boring; but this guy takes the cake. He can't even manage his own brain. To make it worse, there's Orihime and that other tomboy friend of hers. They're weak and useless, and yet think that they are entitled to every detail of other people's business. Just buzz the hell off. Seriously, I skip every moment of Orihime's emo talking. When Kisuke told her that she's not suited to combat with the Arrancars, she cried. What the hell!? You can't even kill a hollow, pathetic girl; so why do you like to get in the way so badly? 


The correct word to describe that is "obnoxious." The morons (incompetent weaklings) who love butting in are obnoxious. Oh, I remember something else. She's jealous of Rukia. How annoying that is.

Edited by ounce
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Ash from pokemon! Poor guy has been stuck prepubescent for too long... and he is really annoying. Re-do with a better protagonist. Pikachu needs to hit the road too, if he keeps getting beat by some random noob and has a restart button on his stats, then for the good of all pokemon he needs to be put down. Start again with a new Protagonist and pikachu if that is what is everyone wants.


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Raki from Claymore. If his brother(Yoma in disguise) just killed him in the first episode, the show would have been much better.  i hate him so freaking much in the anime.  (Spoilers about the claymore manga)


In the Manga he is OK caracter in the start, but later becomes a complete badass. My profile picture is Raki from later in the manga when he becomes an awesome caracter.


I know this is one character from an anime, but I would really like to kill of two from Attack on Titan. That would be Eren and Armin. I can't stand either of them, cus Eren is a complete a**hole and Armin is so freaking annoying. I enjoyed the show, but it would be much better without those two as main caracters.


But Raki.... Kill Raki.. He must die. Let the yoma eat him. I rooted for the yoma. (Only in the anime though, not in the manga)

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